"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, January 13, 2013

And that's the books at six

Facebook-betty-friend Cat has set herself some interesting reading goals this year. Not only an over all number, but types as well (Eg. a certain number of non-fiction, and a ratio of books owned to books purchased.)

What a great idea! I was going to wait til the end of January, see how many books I read, and then set a modest goal. In hopes of getting back to the writing, I don't want to set a 100 book goal like last year.

But I like this idea of examining content, rather than quantity. Will have to give this some thought...

In the meantime I'm reading:

While brushing my teeth or taking baths. I'm loving it, though I didn't expect to.

On breaks at work. About a home-school socially odd teen about to return to regular school. Quite funny.

And two of my requests have come in at the library:
As I plan my new book setting, I want to delve into Pratchett with world building on my mind.

First of a mystery series in Quebec. Penny's all the rage right now.

I also finally ordered the two volumes that make up the whole Aya of Yop City series, so I can re-read the early ones, and see how everything ends! 

I also ordered the last season of entourage on DVD but mistakenly sent it to Montreal. Fernando called to *thank me.* Luckily they hadn't yet shipped the second Aya book, cause it's not out yet, so I re-placed the order. But then I needed the $25 min for shipping! So I ordered the first season of my fave new cartoon, Bob's Burgers.

And that's the world at six.


Skye said...

It seems to me that you read a wide variety of books already. You read a much wider variety than I do. I rarely read literature. I tend to prefer genre fiction. And my nonfiction, which I haven't been reading lately, tends to be of the home architecture and decorating kind.

Sorry you didn't get Entourage. But at least you got something else you like.

London Mabel said...

Bob's Burgers is definitely cheerful material.

I didn't read as much literary fic this past year, cause it tends to be more serious. Maybe I'll attempt more of it this year?

I picked up Guards Guards today, I'm pretty excited to read it. Oh and I forgot the Heyer I'm re-reading! Book World is a lovely place...

Judy,Judy, Judy said...

I watch Entourage on reruns. I have mixed feelings about it. I like it but their treatement of women is horrid. And the whole going to a massage therapist for a 'rub and tug' thing makes me furious. As a former MT, it is so hard to get rid of that reputation despite the fact that you just spent time and money learning about anatomy, etc.

London Mabel said...

Yeah, I've thought about the woman aspect of the show. Thing is, that is the way guys think--so I'm sure it's how many (most?) young suddenly-famous-in-hollywood guys act.

But they have a lot of strong, aggressive women characters. So I sort of read it as "Guys are pigs, we're just being honest. But that doesn't mean women aren't cool."

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