"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I got it thrift! Kitchen edition

Here are the purchases I've made so far, for a one-day home. I photograph each item, and then pack it all up and leave it in the storage room.

Step-mommy got me this big set of flatware at a garage sale...
 ...but I found a cuter tray for them.

Ginormous tea strainer. Yesss!
Friend-Harvey uses mason jars as glasses. Great idea! They're comfy, durable, stylish, and where I work -> 15 cents. So far I've only bought two giant ones, for cutlery or vases or whatever...

A dish I took from my mum

Two giant mugs, and one pretty...
...later learned from a customer that these are expensive mugs. I just loved the color.

For my visitors who don't want to drink from mason jars (sorry, this glass was hard to photograph.)

Bright colors! I'm trying to only buy bright colors for my kitchen.
(Steak knives ain't just for steak!)

Measuring spoons!
Side plates


Sweet little mug!

Plant holder!

70s Dish Scrubber Holder!

Wee bowly!

Side plate!
On the left: Grizzly Bear by Kelly Robinson, Nuxalk/Nuu-chah-nulth
On the right: Intention by Mike Dangeli, Nisga'a/Tlingit/Tsimshian

But I buy other colors when needed...

Like this salt shaker. There's no pepper shaker, but I'll just look for one that matches in color. Or an interesting shape and then paint them.

New peeler! 

Pearly-handled bread knife!  

Ceramic Dish!
(There are a lot of artists on the island, and the island nearby. We get a lot of non-Wal-Mart type ceramics, signed, so I think they're from our artistes.


Judy, Judy, Judy said...

You like to furnish like me. Pieces that you like, not a bland matching set from somewhere.
I love the little birdy plate. I also like to use glass jars for leftovers. If you have a good funnel they are perfect because they are clear so things don't hide from me only to be rediscovered when they've gone bad.

Skye said...

I like to use glass jars for dry storage: rice, lentils, etc. Then I can see how much I have at all times.

I love your colorful kitchen things!

widdershins said...

Lovely nesting things.

Julie said...

From before, greatly appreciate the non-dog forewarnings.

Now, jars are my favorites, and the favorites of my children. I'm on a search for some VERY LARGE and AFFORDABLE ones that I can store my flours in (yes, plural of flour, for the baking). Not as easy as it sounds.

Also from before, just wanted to say, love and light, Dear Friend, from me to you. The most painful lessons are the ones in which we learn the most.
It's true, but it also sucks.

Judie said...

Some very nice treasures. I love the bright steak knives.

London Mabel said...

@JJJ - Ms Brownlow recommended the mason jars for leftovers too. She makes a big soup batch and then divides it up for future meals.

@Skye - That's a good idea. ...Though possibly I am too *efficient* for removing foods from bags, to put in jars, lol. ["Efficient" is the word I'm using to replace "lazy" these days!]

@widders - You're right, definitely nesting.

@Julie - I have multiple flours too! Well... back in Montreal...

[Thanks for the Love & Light.]

@Judie - There's a bright colored knife set (chef knife etc] at Costco that I"m trying to resist!!


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