"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Crochet cat and home

Sally Nan (named her in honor of my current place in life) has gotten fed up with me and the writing. She's joined the others in watching tv, and picked up crochet to keep her hands from boxing my ears every five seconds.


I'm going to Montreal in one week! I haven't been home in a year and three months. I am homesick like craaaaaazy. I miss Fernando and Minion and Haley so much I feel sick sometimes. I sway between depression, and a sort of hyperness--like now, going to bed waaaay too late.

I'll be there for one week (it's unpaid vacation). If it goes well then I'd like to return home next spring. It feels too soon right now, cause I've kind of settled into my little cocoon here. And I wouldn't leave this job with, like, a two week notice. We've been understaffed awhile now, and only just got back on track. When I do leave I'll give them lots of time to find a replacement. It's a really great little gang of peeps, we all cooperate and help each other, tease, joke, not mean etc.

I've only made two friends here (other than work-only friends)--which was on purpose. Just my brother's friend, Harvey (the one I dog sat for) and Madame Miroir, at work. I'll miss Miroir, but I always come bCk to visit the coast.

Of course, maybe this week won't go so well! But I feel like it will. I'm also going to bring Haley back with me, cause I am so cat deprived. Give her a break from Minion too. I have all kinds of toys for her, and her own plastic laundry basket to scratch up. I feel like the parent who just got joint custody and is preparing the house for their kid to visit.




Skye said...

I'm so glad you're going back home for a visit, even though it's a short one! I do hope you can move back, that all goes well. I think your family needs to be all together again.

Glad you're bringing a kitty back to the coast. It will be nice for you.

And I'm glad that Sally Nan has picked up a project and hobby so she won't always be staring at you. You don't need that pressure! :)

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Gonna say the same thing to you that I said to Jenny Crusie on her blog that says she's writing again - willing to support you in any way I can!!!

widdershins said...

Going home is wonderful! ... but sometimes, it's not quite like we remember it ... on the other hand ... kittehs!

London Mabel said...

@Skye - Together again, that sounds nice.

@JJJ - THANKS! (She's writing again? That's good news. I haven't been following her blog or ReFab lately, so I don't know how all that's going.)

widders - Ah yes. That's the "you can't go back to Eden" idea. Vair true.

Robena Grant said...

Hope it's a great trip for you, London. Kitties!!! I need another visit to my daughter's house. : )


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