"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Landing in the right place

I just shared something on Skye's blog, and thought it was worth pasting in here. In October it'll be a year I've been at this job, and it's starting to get a wee bit boring. Not all the time, not all days, not even all day; but once you've reached a certain level of Being Good at something, it falls into routine, which may or may not be stimulating depending on your personality and the work.

But I am reminded of this: [here's the pasted bit]

When I first came to Nanaimo, I was hoping to find a non-retail job cause I wanted to get into something new. But with no office experience, I only got two interviews, two nibbles, no job. When I saw the posting for the charity run thrift store I thought, well, if I need to go back to retail, this sounds alright.

Once I was in the job I realized how mentally messed up I still was, from all the depression and stress. My brain was foggy. I'd find myself putting a short sleeved shirt in the long sleeved section and think: I am SO glad I'm at a job where the worst I mess up is put this shirt in the wrong place. I realized that a more complicated job might very well have been out of my skill set at that time.

The people I work with are really KIND, and they're gentle, and the main woman I work with (friends with) is New Agey so she's there to say all the right things and dispense hugs. I really feel like I landed in the right job for that time in my life.

So as I now think ahead to moving back to Montreal and job hunting again, I'm reminding myself that if I keep an open mind, and spread my net wide, I can find something *right* again. Even if it's not what I pictured or hoped or imagined. Being a spiritual person, I think of it as: The Universe knows shit about me that I don't. ...Secularly, I think it's safe to say that your mind and body know things that you're not conscious of knowing. If you give them some scope to work without your consent, they might lead you to possibilities you haven't considered.

In other news...
I've been trying to post songs separately these days, but just watched Kate Perry's new video and had to share. It's a "I Will Survive" style breakup song, but the chorus and tone and music is suitable to any situation that needs pumping up. Great little song.

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
A champion
And you're gonna hear me roar

[Jules warning: There is an adorable angry-shouting-kitty symbol that I love, and a real cat at the end.]


Skye said...

I'm glad you shared what you wrote on my blog: I think it's powerful and needs to be shared. You are so right in everything you said. My having a part-time writing job is a great way for me to work my way back into having a regular job after all these years.

And I send you love and FGBVs for landing in the right place again when you return to Montreal!

London Mabel said...

Love and fgbvs to you too!!

widdershins said...

Sometimes I find it hilarious that the universe knows more about me than I do, and sometimes I just blow it a great big raspberry!

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

one thing i'm finding about my current job is - because so much of how they do things is based on what insurance companies want from them or will allow, how things are done is constantly changing.
so far that keeps it from being boring. not sure that will last forever, though.
i'm bored easily at jobs.

London Mabel said...

@widders- Yes sometimes it's a big ole meanie!!

@JJJ - Interesting. Yes, a bit of change, a variety of things to do--that seems to be the ticket.


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