"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Did you ever follow one of those "overheard" sites? They're sites where people can submit funny/strange conversations they've overheard Eg at work, on the subway, etc.

Here are some examples:

Coder #1: I just can't work in these pants!
Coder #2, raising hand: Seconded!
Boss #1: No! Motion fails!
Boss #2: Indeed -- pants remain a workplace requirement!

7255 East Hampton Avenue
Mesa, Arizona

Overheard by: Chris Cardinal


Boss, setting down ancient computing equipment: I don't know what's going to happen when I turn this on. Hopefully it won't catch on fire...
Minion: Then why is it on my desk?

Tyco Road
Vienna, Virginia

Overheard by: Hiding behind the bookshelves

Female employee #1: ...so if the sun exploded seven minutes ago, we wouldn't know it yet, because it takes eight minutes for the sun's light to reach us.

Male employee: That's depressing! What would you do in those seven minutes?

Female employee #1: If I were at work? Have sex.

Male employee: Isn't that's a lot of pressure on the guy?

Female employee #1: Please. Guys are usually all, "Gimme two minutes!"

Female employee #2: You could do three guys in that time!

Female employee #1: Three and a half!

Boulevard Sacré Coeur
Gatineau, Quebec

Overheard by: Sara

Engineer #1: If you flush the toilet, you lose water pressure?! So it's like, "Sorry, the dishwasher is running. We have no fire protection."


Engineer #2: Who flushes the toilet if their house is on fire?

700 West Capitol Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas


Bossman: Ted*, keep in mind: if you screw this up, we will beat you like a pinñata. We'll beat you till the candy comes out.

Denver, Colorado

Overheard by: Bossman Cometh


Simone said...

I remember you and I having a "if the sun blew up 7 mins ago" conversation related to meeting Simon at Stewart Hall :)

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I was on the phone at work innocently talking to a client. I don't even want to tell you what the two girls (19 yo's) were talking about when I got off the phone. It was definitely not funny, though.
Thanks for the laughs.

Deborah Blake said...

LOL! I love these!

Skye said...

God, I forgot about that site! I definitely need to go there and get my daily dose of hilarious!

Thank you for sharing. They cheered my gray morning.

London Mabel said...

@Simone - I remember that! lol

@JJJ - Oh these young'uns... though I admit to once having had a conversation about vibrators in the staff room.

@Deborah and Skye - Regular life is often as funny as fiction. ;-)

widdershins said...

ROFL ... "Three and a half!" ... Love it!


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