"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, August 15, 2013

We have heard the chimes at midnight

I went to take out my garbage just now, at 2 AM. (This is also when I write, do dishes etc.) I saw a shadow in the shadows, and it was my proxy cat! Well met by moonlight! (to paraphrase the bard.) We sat on the pavement and had some scratches. But she was less clingy than in daytime. I could tell she had business to take care of, and couldn't tarry long.

Now here's a short clip from Orson Wells' adaptation of Henry IV parts I and II, called The Chimes at Midnight. Dedicated to kitties and other night crawlers.



Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Reminds me of my cat Bernie who greets me every work night at 130am when I get home. He is usually purring in anticipation of my petting him.

Robena Grant said...

Love it! Ah, the days that we have seen... .

Skye said...

I am so not a night owl, and I'm still a bit afraid of the dark, so I would not have been comfortable taking out the garbage at 2 am. Glad you don't have that problem; meeting a busy kitty in the wee hours sounds very cool and mysterious! who knows what errands the kitty had to run?

widdershins said...

Kitteh probably had to go make sure the sun was waking up on time! 'S important business being the sun alarm Kitteh!

London Mabel said...

We live above the ferry, so maybe it was ferry business. Or fairy business.


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