"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, October 7, 2013

random story about moi

I think I've mentioned that in the mornings I'm an animal. A feral cat who you should not try to get near, who shies away from people. At home when people try to interact with me I'm an a**hole, without wanting to be. It's like my mouth has an A**hole Translator built in and anything I say comes out mean. (When I step into work I manage to get this down to just a dazed look and the inability to comprehend complex ideas.)

Now that I'm living semi alone it's MUCH easier. Such a relief. But I still sit in the downstairs entrance of my parents' home to put my shoes on, and they always call down a goodbye, and it takes an effort to say goodbye back.

But recently I was tying up my shoes and heard my dad explaining the US government shut down incorrectly to my step-mother, and imagine their shock when suddenly from the basement there came a rapid fire 1 minute lecture on what's caused the shut down. My dad said in shocked tones: "So that's what it takes to get you to talk in the morning!"



nancy said...

Would love to know how you explained it. On the one hand, I could; and on the other, it's beyond words, leaving us speechless. Just wait until we get to the deadline for extending the deficit ...! Then we really will be that meth lab downstairs from your very nice apartment.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Yep that would have got me to talking to. And I'm also not a morning person, btw.

Skye said...

Hmm, I can be very chatty in the mornings. When I was feeling better, I was prone to singing in the mornings. :) Yes, I can be that annoying soul who might get murdered and dumped some morning ....

widdershins said...

Sooner or later, everybody talks! Bwhahahaha

London Mabel said...

@Nancy - I understand the speechlessness. I always tune into Daily Show and Colbert when stupid sh*t is happening, cause it's the only way to cope!

@JJJ - Word

@Skye - Eeeek! My coworker Mme Miroir is a morning person, so we decided we can only communicate complex ideas between 11 and 3 Pm

@widders - Meh heh heh hehhh


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