"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The A- is banishèd

When I was in university I learned this...

If I was writing a paper and I felt a bit muddled, didn't feel like I had a full firm grasp on what I wanted to say and in what order and how and whether it was a good argument... then I knew it would be an A- paper.

But if it sat crystal clear before me, and all I had to do was write up a nice structure, have all my citations ready--the paper would flow and I knew I had an A. (Hey, there were no A+ at my school.)

I'd been working on my plot outline on my breaks at work, and last week something finally clicked. I finally found the right idea that makes me feel like I'm plotting an A rather than an A-. It made everything else fall into place.

That was the feeling I was waiting for. I knew that anything less and I'd once more Failz when I sat down to do the actual writing. I am hoping... hooooping... that I'm finally onto something that will lead to Written Words. We'll see!

Because my book is based on Henry V by Shakespeare, here's Will's great opening. Derek Jacobi invokes the spirit of our imaginations to fill in all the details that the play itself can't provide. "O for a muse of fire..."


Robena Grant said...

Oh, wonderful! Love the video! And hey, good luck on that A!

Skye said...

Oh wonderful! I'm so glad your story and you have finally (again?) clicked! You will totally get an A. Probably an A+.

widdershins said...

What wonderfullest-erest news ... go forth and write!

London Mabel said...

They hand out A+s here? Sweet!

widdershins said...

We even go up to a AAA+


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