"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Too good to be true!

The plotting for my book is going so well, it's disturbing. I fear when I sit down to write it, I'll hate it or something. Cause I'm so pleased with it now. It won't last!

I work on it mostly on my lunch breaks, and each day I get a new idea that makes the story more complex and coolio. Ahh!! And the characters are firming up, the world, the clothes, my playlists...

A couple more days and then we'll see!


Skye said...

Be positive! It's NOT too good to be true: it's SO good to be true. You'll just keep on flowing and getting into your story and writing and it will keep filling you with joy and refilling your well of creativity over and over and over.

It's good enough to be true. I'm happy for you!

Simone said...

Sounds good! let it flow!

Robena Grant said...

Good for you1 Yes, be positive, love your book. There's no room for self doubt, just forge ahead and have fun with the writing.

widdershins said...

When things are meant to be, they do flow smoothly don't they? Wallow!

London Mabel said...

Doing my best!

BarbN said...

Oh, I am jealous. I have a vague idea with about half a dozen scenes attached to it, and with the week I'm having, that's exactly what I'm going to have when I sit down on Saturday to get started (no way it's going to happen tomorrow). Go, us! We can do this!

BarbN said...

and p.s. thanks for the link to that site about writing 10K words a day. I doubt I'll ever get quite that fast, but I've been thinking quite a bit about her ideas as I drive around doing all my stuff this week. I suppose I could be plotting instead of catching up on my blog reading...... ;-)

London Mabel said...

Go us! Yeah the 10 000 word thing is intense, but we might be able to glean some advice here and there.


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