"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Cannabisses

I've never smoked pot. I feel like I'll need to, at some point. Seems like something one should try once... though if you're male, better wait til much later in life so you don't risk setting off latent schizophrenia.

I considered trying it while out here cause, well, it's the West Coast. But then I thought: What if I like it too much? What if I fall into reefer madness?? I really can't afford a new pleasure like that. So I decided I'd better wait til I'm in my 80s and I have chronic pain that makes the weeds truly useful.

In the meantime I have a cute little book on the subject so I can at least read about it. It's got picshures n stuff.

I have learned that La Cucaracha is about Mexican Revolutionaries having run out of marijuana to smoke. ...Well it wasn't about that originally, but it's the version made most popular. A cucaracha is a cockroach. Roach.

So now I need to know: What have been your pot experiences? I know my online pals have wild and exciting histories.


widdershins said...

I seem to remember not being able to move very fast, and sleeping a lot. The sex was kinda good, but really slooooooooow.

London Mabel said...



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