So some parents are apparently in a flap over Rihanna's latest video, "Man Down." It's about a young woman who is raped and murders her rapist (and in the song lyrics even expresses remorse for the killing.) The murder is graphic.
While um yes I would encourage young persons to go to the police if they are assaulted, rather than to kill themselves and therefore bring more negative consequences into their own lives--I didn't even have to say that did I?--here are my two other thoughts:
1. The violence is no worse than the average cop show. And since no one watches video shows anymore, if your kid is watching this video it's on the internet, and this is hardly the worst thing she has access to on the internet (not to mention it's at least within a moral context.)
2. Aerosmith's video and song "Janie's Got a Gun" in the 1990s was just as graphic, and the teen girl kills her father for molesting her. I don't remember any controversy over it, I don't see anything on wikipedia. Either we care less about rape than incest, or the parental groups have gotten more anal, or it's just the shot to the head they don't like, or it's less threatening when a man sings about it than a beautiful young black woman. I don't know.
Conclusion: Parental groups, there are better things you could be doing with your time. Like anti-bullying campaigns. SERiously.
It's so random what people get upset about anymore.
I don't think the Dixie Chicks took a lot of flack over Goodbye Earl, either. I loved that song. And Martina MacBride had Independence Day which didn't cause her trouble.
Maybe it truly is because the singer is black.
Watched both videos. I actually think Rihanna's song is good and the video shows some acting talent. Maybe the furor is because it's an adult woman and not a child being victimized? Regardless, I think it's total nonsense that there's an uproar over this. I saw a headline but had no desire to click the link...that Kanye west's new video features necrophilia. maybe the parent groups could tackle that one instead.
Probably the same parent groups that supported that crazy woman the Fokker was writing about, who went after the erotic romance novelist. It is, Le Waste of Time.
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