"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Being Book Manic

Well, I'm off to Montreal tomorrow. Time to see the husband, huggle the cats, and pick up some things. I haven't been saying yet that I've really really moved to Nanaimo yet. I don't think it will feel that way until either (a) this time when I return, or (b) when I get a job.

It's been a helpful month. My brain feels cleared up. 

I at least cleared up my reading list by today. 

Here are the ways I categorize books in Goodreads:

(Swiss Girl likes to joke about how much she likes making lists. I love categorizing.)

Here are my reads since arriving Feb 22, by category:


King Lear, and a Dalgliesh mystery (my first.)


Mindsight (the book about how to change your brain)
Stigmates et BBQ - My one French author whom I like so much, and this book was a total disappointment!! I skim read the last quarter tonight.
An old Crusie.
A Susan Elizabeth Phillips.
And Mitford's The Pursuit of Love which was my fave fiction read.

* Jane was another disappointment, but a cheap one.

UNFINISHED (or read parts of, for short stories)

* Love in a Cold Climate (Mitford) I put aside for now. I think I'd reached my limit of WWI - WWII literature.
* The Katie Fforde I left in Montreal cause it's so big. I'll bring it back with me.

Now that you've been updated on my mania, I should finish packing and go to bed.



Swiss Girl said...


widdershins said...

Have a safe trip ... and bring back some sunshine if you can. it's getting a bit glum on the lake with all this misty-ness and brooding hills.

Robena Grant said...

I've let my Goodreads lapse. So many things to do and take care of. I'm still reading though, and probably more than ever. Maybe I should find my password and go back. : )

Have a safe journey and a wonderful and warm reunion with F and the kitties.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Hope you have a good time on your trip and get enough hubby and cats to last you until next visit.
Loved the insights into your goodread!

London Mabel said...

@swis oui sushi

@widders I will if I see any

@Robena I think I find it so fun to keep track of what I've read that I don't mind the time.

@jjj Thanks!


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
Stupeur et tremblements