I've mentioned before that Fernando and I do two frequent things with our kittehs. One, we speak for them in first person (firstcat). Second, we sing to them. Here's a sample of both, as performed by Fernando when I was writing yesterday's blog. I got as many lyrics as I quickly could.
Minion singing after being reprimanded for chasing Haley...
i gotta make you cry
so i can laugh
im a calico
so you better watch your step
out to have fun at your expense
i get my way
you better run
beause im calico
im a calico baby
and that's alright
ba dum bum bum ba ba ba bum...
Fernando's song, as he picked up Minion (who likes to bite or scratch his face, when she's in a nutty mood.)
theres a kitty
she comes from far away
she scratches my face
but i love her anyway
she's a troublemaker
Oh yeah! Gimme some soul!
This made me laugh. And I totally sang the words. Probably not to your tune, or Fernado's, but it was fun anyway.
Have the kitties forgiven you for being gone yet?
That was some great singing; I could totally hear it in my head!
"Gimme some soul!"
Love it!
lol - That was good. Maybe Fernando needs to be a lyricist. Those beat some of the sappy crap I've heard lately.
@Robena Glad you sang along. Minion would appreciate that.
@Skye They seem to have forgiven me right away. Haley comes for her shnoogles, which is the sign for forgiveness. She's finally learned that Mahmmy always comes back. Minion is less finger oriented, but comes to snuggle and knead.
@He cracks me up.
@JJJ Heh heh. I kinda miss that Shmoopy Hits station... it fascinated me.
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