"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Walk in the Nabe

Yesterday I wrote the following post:
Lying on my side on the sofa, afflicted by le migraneous headache. I was trying to write my book but all evening this headaches been creeping up on me, thwarting even my druggeos. I could probably k.o. it if I also had tylenol with codeine, but thogh we have 5 bottles at home I forgot to bring any or replenish my purse pill box.

I'm typing with 1 hand.

Kay, need to roll onto the worse side, which means back to the computer. Here are some pics of mommy's nabe.

The scene looked like this:

Such a sad sack. I ended up not posting cause I really did want to add some captions to these.

I'm now headache free and ready to begin.

This neighborhood was a little village made in 1943, to house Boeing workers. After the war it was also used for returning veterans. So it's all these little houses, built along the same plan, that people have added to or spruced up.

It's right next to the airport.

Some people have Secret Gardenesque yards. Very English.

Some go for a cutesy effect.


Tree house (on the left)

Boudoir bohemian...

There are other ways to spruce up the yard besides a pink sofa, like...

a piggy mailbox

jumble sale chic

faux deer

un-ironic kitsch

a haunted house (comes to life at Halloween)
While some are wide open...

others are hidden behind mysterious gates...

On some streets there are no driveways, so it always looks like there's a party going down...

Mostly one decorates with the always tasteful: Flowers & Flowering Trees

(Lilacs are juuust getting ready to bloom)



Okay maybe not always tasteful...

I finally got a good look up close as a monkey tail tree!

Some streets had tree canopies

While most trees are still getting their spring on...

others are bursting with life!

And that's how we roll. Here in Burkeville.


Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

wow - I wanna live there. Love that monkey tail tree!
Sorry about your migraine.
Everywhere you go there are cats.

Megan Coakley said...

Oh, the Captain feels your pain. His migraines are three day events, and this last one almost put him in the hospital.

I am amazed at the individual creativity in your neighborhood! I am partial to the intriguing gates and the koi painting, although everything looks lovely in bloom. Enjoy!

Skye said...

Sorry about the migraine, you poor baby. Glad it went away and you are better now.

What a cool neighborhood! Nice to see all the ways of making their homes individual. Love the flower trees and flowers!

Judie said...

oooo I want to come play in your backyard for a while. Very cool.

I loved the gates most of all. But the Secret Garden house was really cool too.

Sorry you weren't feeling well. Glad you had some four footed cuddlers to snuggle with.

nancy said...

I'm glad your head feels better today. Sorry it goes wrong so often.
Thank you for your sketch and all the lovely pictures, especially the Secret Garden and the gardens behind gates and the pictures of Sassy, of course.
Lots more walks to keep the critters happy and well-exercised. You, too. ALL the critters who need to be walked around the nabe.

widdershins said...

Hate, HATE, HHHHAAATTTE migraines. Mine start with the cracked vision effect. Not fun ... glad your's is gone.

Love those eccentric front yards.
Mrs Widdershins is notorious for ...erm ... pruning lilac bushes at this time of the year.

Julie said...

What an outstanding wander we just went on with you! And whew for the headache moving along and gone.

I adore house-y creativity like this! Thanks for the pictures.

London Mabel said...

@JJJ - I saw a lot of monkey trees in Nanaimo, and was excited to see one up close.

@Megan - Poor Captain! My migraines are much milder than most people's, but they're daily. Poo!

@Skye - My mum really likes it, but unfortunately she's going to have to sell and move. :-(

@Judie - Four footed snugglers is the best.

@Nancy - The critter walks are doing me good, I have to admit it.

@widders - Reading some other blogs, I've noticed the same under-cover-of-night pruning tendencies!

@Julie - Once in awhile I need to get off a Julie-esque neighborhood walk post!


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