"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Miss Mabel's Farewell Tour: MONDAY

Had to bring Haley to the airport by 7:30 AM! So... foolishly early start. Dad flew in and met me there. Long story short: Haley is home sweet home. By last report she was very very quiet, and Minion terrified. I'm not too worried. The last time we had a 200 lbs dog visit us, Minion was scared at first, and ended by sitting on the couch whacking the dog, trying to provoke him. She'll be terrorizing Haley in no time.

That's my main worry over. At mum's she got used to the big ole alpha cat (Mystery), and two of the dogs ignored her (Sassy alpha, and midlist Rocky), but Eddy took exception to her and scared the bejeezus out of her. Either he sensed Haley's inherent teh evils, or resented the idea of another cat claiming a higher place on the ladder than him.

So there was some wolverbeaning--more than she's done in years. Scratches all over my right arm and left foot. She got my mum's ankle, but she said dog bites hurt much worse, so she was a good sport. I got wolverbeaned so often, by the end I was just rolling my eyes ("Really?") and Haley's efforts were half hearted ("Rawr! Hey are those crunchies?")

I drove to my aunt's house in Chilliwack, on the side of a little mountain. She made us scones and tea. Then dad drove so I could enjoy the scenarios.

I love silly street names.

The final space left for stuffing things in: The left side of the car. By rolling down the window, but not opening the door, I was able to shove in (a) a large teacup collection of my grandmother's, (b) a jug of windshield fluid, (c) chippies, (d) my computer bag, (e) and our coats.

Drove through Hope, BC, which was ridiculously cute. The type of place you set a romcom.

Not the rockies yet, but lots of mountains.

Strange roadside places.

There's a series of tunnels, each with an odd name.

An Elvis restaurant.

We had perfect travel weather and traffic.

Up in the arid mountains.

Lunch at a diner where, it seems, they filmed a scene of Hard Core Logo.

Then I drove us through Kamloops and on to our current stop in Littlefort. Which I assume is where Littlefinger is from? (Game of Thrones?)

There was a big quilt made by the woman who seated us, so Yoda took a picture for Madame Miroir.

Kicking back with The IT Crowd at Bree's Motel.

In honor of the town of Chilliwack, today's song: Chilliwack's "My Girl"...

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Well, Haley's been having a tough time settling in. I think I introduced her to the animals-infested household too quickly. She's wolverbeaned my mum once, and me twice. I mean the Real Wolverbean, where she turns into a tasmanian devil on your arm or leg. She seems to have bruised my knuckle, which hurts when I curl my fingers.

Yesterday I left her enclosed in my bedroom most of the time, so she could calm down and feel secure and catch up on her sleep. As of this morning she's her old sweet self. Even followed Mystery the Cat around a bit, without hissing.

But Fernando has some time off work and says he feels up to sending her home. So Monday I'll meet up with my dad and send Haley off for her last stressful trip. I hope she doesn't get too upset integrating with Minion--hopefully the happiness of seeing Daddy will offset the "SHE is still here??"ness.

In other news, my mother bought me a cool purse for my upcoming birthday: The Juneberry Bag. You can change how the straps are worn, and change the covers! Super cute.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Road music: Wicked and Weird

I've even got the puppets. Well, one puppet and several stuffed animals.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Travels With My Cat

5:09 Duke Pt ferry lineup - lane 18

She looks calm, but she was hurling insults at me all the way in from town, and she's got a Parkinson's shake. Reminder of why I am not roadtripping with her. She's going to stay with my mum until I'm home, then she'll fly out.



My dad bought me these pewter dreamcatcher earrings as a dreams-comong-true farewell gift. Isn't that thoughtful? I'm so grateful to dad and stepmommy for putting me up (and up with) for two years while I refound my footing. They were so generous with their love and resources. My whole family is pretty wicked-awesome.


The gang's all here, seated on the goodbye peanut butter cookies jar, a gift from CJ's mother-in-law. (I confess I shamelessly requested them. The jar was a bonus!)


5:30 in place!

I made kitty's cage dark and she's quiet now. Going to pop upstairs for food and bathroom, then come back and sit with her. ...I'm back. Boy do ferry people love their White Spot. Anytime you take a suppertime ferry there's a line down the hall.

Haley and I are sitting quietly here. She in the back corner of the cage, and me here reading Pratchett. It's so quiet it's creepy. Better play some music.


6:30 Orcas along the port side!

I missed them, but there was an announcement. Let Hales out for a bit, but she's determined to climb into the engine, if that's possible. I once read of a cat who got loose and zipped into the cockpit and managed to get into the nose of the plane. Never underestimate a scared cat in search of a dark, enclosed space.

7:03 Two huge Rotties just lumbered past.

The Chihuahua in BMW is Not Amused. "You will respect mah authorité!"


7:05 Listening to Flight of the Conchords

Man is lying on the street

Some punk's chopped off his head

I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead!

...Turns out he's dead


7:42 Time to Go!

Been reading my car manual. Page turning stuff. Well, time to go soon. Byeee!

Little CJ



Alright... road music

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Ugh, this packing is taking me forever. Packing into boxes I can do; packing into a limited-space-car is this weird strategy / triage process, making me mental.

And it's not like I've got a bunch of old shit I'm tired of and happy to get rid of--that stuff is all back in Montreal. And I'm quite attached to my new thinglies. As I've explained to people before (and maybe here)--at least half the furnishings etc that I own are hand-me-downs; or things I bought at cheap department stores near where I live--stuff without a lot of personality.

Now I just have this desire to be surrounded by things I love. And I've been able to collect that sort of eclectic mix at frugal prices. Aaaaand am desperately trying to bring it all back to Montreal!

In other news, Mme Miroir will be happy to learn that my dad is coming with me as far as Edmonton. He wants to go road tripping with me, and visit his sisters, and then fly back. I originally rejected him because I couldn't give up the front seat, but he's offered to ship back that equivalent. But since I'm visiting my mum first, I'll be going to Vancouver on my own and then will pick him up on the way out.

...Surrounded by people, cats and things I love. Montreal 2014.


Hozier "Take Me to Church"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Cleaning off my desktop

I'd like to do this to my hair. But it's so fine, I don't think it would stay over on one side. 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

It's hard out here!

I think Lily Allen kind of blew it with the video, but still a good song.

Though... sometimes I wonder what's going on in England. I don't think here in Canada (or the US) there's as much emphasis these days on "a woman should be in the kitchen cooking." That's not really the sort of sexism we face.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Garage sale and schnoogles

Held a garage sale yesterday, made enough for a few tanks of gas. We were afraid of rain, but it mostly held off and we were ready for the hordes arriving at 7:30 am.

Today being easter, and this being a town full of oldies, which means churchies, I'm not expecting much. But in case some post church service goers want a bargain, I left the stuff out, with 50% off signs. Right now Haley and I are sitting inside by the window, chiling.

My besty Miroir gave me 10 crates of stuff she was going to donate, and it was nice stuff, lots of it sold. Oh that Miroir, helping me to the last. She's crazy generous, my girl--first thing you realize about her.

Now that my room is half empty Haley knows something is up. Last night was schnoogle after schnoogle. And it depresses me. I've got that queasiness in my stomach, which I get everytime I sleep for the lastt time in a packed up room, or first time in a new room. Well, it'll pass.


Haley was allowed in the office so she could watch.



Another pretty song heard on Hart of Dixie

Why don't they just put the name of the song and artist at the bottom of the screen during these shows? I find many of my fave songs these days through well chosen TV music.

Friday, April 18, 2014


Today was my last day of work. I tried to catch as many regular customers, and volunteers, as I could to say goodbye. One of my work-friends arranged a goodbye party for me at a restaurant and I had a great time, and then it was more hugs and saying goodbye to everyone. Thanks to Mme Miroir I'm a PRO at hugging now--it's like she had me in training all year just for this moment! I've had SO many well wishes, I feel like things can't possibly go badly--there is way too much positive vibes zipping around!

Honestly I was humbled by it all. And I tried to find a song that expresses how I'm feeling, but couldn't. And finally realized it's because I believe what Oscar Wilde once wrote: "Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about."

So instead I looked for my most favorite most frivolous song at the moment.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day by day you help me find a place

Only 2 days of work left. Feels weird! Gotta get ready for garage sale on Saturday. Then wanna try to see Harvey and Miroir once more before I leave. Don't think I'll be out of here until Tue or Wed. So much to do! My little brain is overheating.

I forgot to post a song for my dad's birthday! Here is some Doug and the Slugs. We have an oldies station we often play at work and they play 2 D&S songs every day. The best guess I've heard as to why is to meet Canadian Content quotas. But like, seriously... can't we mix it up a bit? They've only got 3 decades to choose from! At least play OTHER D&S songs?

Well anyway, happy birthday pappy!

Bad news. don't ruin my appetite
Don't let the papers tell me if it's wrong or right
I just do what I do and I do it day by day by day by day.

I live life, might take it slow
Make mistakes but Oh! that's the way it goes
I just know what I know and I know it day by day by day by day

Day by day I'm feeling stronger
Day by day I'm lasting longer
Day by day you help me make my way

I speak up with I feel it's right
I jump up with I know that I've got to fight
Until then, I just take it day by day by day by day

Day by day I'm feeling stronger
Day by day I'm lasting longer
Day by day you help me make my way

(with you) don't worry about it
(with you) don't worry about it
(with you) don't worry about it
Day by day by day by day

Sometimes, late at night, I feel strangely blue,
Sometimes, late at night, I need what I get from you,

Day by day, you show me a better way
Day by day, you help me to find a place
Day by day, you help me make it
Day by day by day by day by

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm still taking in Kanye West's Yeezus album...

I like this song best, so far. I got the album free using the points from my Petro Canada card, lol. Now that's my idea of a rewards program. Gonna rack up points by gassing up with them all across Canada!

Monday, April 14, 2014

A character was singing along with this on Friday Night Lights

I'm rewatching all of Friday Night Lights, and finally got my dad watching it! (Actually by the time this posts I'm sure he'll be done, cause he's watching 5 seasons back to back. He now judges movies by "Would I rather be watching an episode of FNL right now?")

Sunday, April 13, 2014

This was apparently quite talked about...

or so the CBC Radio dj said.  This dude is apparently a school principle.

I've never heard heavy metal "cookie monster" style singing in a pop song before!

Seasons change
And I've tried hard just to soften you
Seasons change
But I've grown tired trying to change for you

Cuz I've been waiting on you
I've been waiting on you
Cuz I've been waiting on you
I've been weighing on you

As it breaks, the summer will wake
But the winter will wash what is left, of the taste
As it breaks, the summer will warm
But the winter will crave what has gone
Will crave what has all
Gone away

People change
But you know some people never do
You know--when people change
They gain a piece, but they lose one too

Cuz I've been hanging on you
I've been weighing on you
Cuz I've been waiting on you
I've been hanging on you

As it breaks, the summer will wake
But the winter will wash what is left, of the taste
As it breaks, the summer will warm
But the winter will crave what has gone
Will crave what has all
Gone away

I've been waiting on you...

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Have you tried shoving it up your arse?

Mme Miroir has been off work this week, which means me on cash a lot. She's good at it so my boss has historically stuck her there most of the time, though once in awhile he suddenly goes rogue and puts me up there. Two weeks ago he had me on till for days, and I slowly started turning into Miroir, and she started turning into me. It was disturbing.

I like working on cash sometimes, but if it's too many days in a row I start getting angry at people. For dumb things.

So Monday, in anticipation, I decided to start a little chart. I'm going to put a mark every time...

(1) Someone asks me what I did to the money. We run a special pen over the bills to make sure they're real and we have to do each bill, which means constantly being asked "What did you just do? how does it work? You get fake fives? Even the new ones?" And the joke I never want to hear again for as long as I live: "I just made it this morning." Oddly I don't mind answering Where's the bathroom? ten times a day. It must be all the fucking follow up. Do we have to write a dissertation on fake currency pens? Really?

My dad says I need the recorder from The IT Crowd.

(2) Someone puts their stuff down out of my arm's reach. Again, it's not their fault. There's a glass showcase built into the cash desk RIGHT where people should put their stuff down. Honestly the flow of this cash desk is absurd, I hate it. People instinctively don't want to put things down on glass. So then their items end up way on the other end where I can't reach them. Sometimes I just want to stand there and stare.

(3) Someone is a cheap bastard. On Monday a woman came up with a mini lotion bottle. All mini bottles are 29 cents. It's marked in huge letters on the basket. I charged her the 29 cents, and she was all: "You're kidding! It's half empty! I'm putting it back just on principle." Oh my God. This is a CHARITY STORE. You can't spare 30 cents to fund a local shelter? It was for her alone that I created the Cheap Bastard category.

It's like I've got my own till drinking game, only without drinks. I might have to get a basket on chocolates and take a "choc shot" each time.

Unrelated song of the day...

Monday, April 7, 2014

Hit the road, Mabel

Last week I gave notice at work, last day Friday April 25. My coworkers have it planned for us to go out the 24th--it's earlier than everyone realized, my leaving. I guess when I said I was leaving in May they assumed I'd be leaving work in May.

Originally I was going to then take a week to pack up here, and then stay in Vancouver a few days with my mum, and then hit up a couple aunts and my sister in law and maybe a friend on the way home. But I'm accelerating the schedule. Fernando's not doing too well. I gotta get home. I'll probably leave my work notice as is, cause that way I end with the pay period--will have one final full paycheque, as well as vacation pay.

But my plan now is to have a garage sale on the 26th, then hit the road and burn rubber. I'll probably only stop at my aunt's in Edmonton--rather than aunt in Edmonton, and sister in law in Calgary. It's a three hour drive between the two cities and not the right way--it's north-south and I'm heading west to east. I won't stop in Toronto to see Gilby either, cause that's another detour off the Trans Canada highway.

So I've got to start packing. Bit tricky cause I'm not sure how much I can fit in my car. Might just have to start packing and drive around town with my stuff, lol.

I hadn't planned on doing much tourism along the road home, anyway. I know myself too well. I would have to be in a vacation frame of mind, with proper money etc. to enjoy dipseedoodling around. This isn't a vacation.

But I have been trying to think how I could make the drive home touristy amusant, at the very least. Like, try to find the most boring towns in Canada to overnight in. Or find the lamest roadside attractions to stop and photograph. The top 10 most boring scenery shots. I'll let you know what I dream up.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Another One Bites the Dust" in slo mo (bom bom bom)

I don't regret not having kids, but they do crack me up. Their thinking is so weird. So much so that a guy made a blog called Reasons My Son is Crying. Now he posts ones that people write in. There are, of course, photos to accompany...

"He can’t go outside and go potty with the dog."

"He wants the dog to eat in the opposite corner."

"I wouldn’t let him eat his yogurt with a pizza cutter."

This is a Mohawk singer I just heard of recently.

Friday, April 4, 2014

This gun's for hire, and so is this song

This is the two basic ways to enjoy a cover song. (a) The cover isn't very different from the original, but it's by someone you love, so it's still enjoyable. (b) The artist changes it not just ToBeDifferent, but changes it in such a way that you hear the song in a whole new way. 


Does anyone remember they integrated her weird Fabio sax player into Thunderdome? ...No? Anyway here, for my mother's birthday:

This won't get you dancing around the living room, but it's incredible. My ear focused on different lyrics than it usually does.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know cats need nametags too?

Coworker Mme Miroir has two cats. Tulip is basically Minion's "sister from another mother." They're both gleeful troublemakers.  Despite Miroir and her husband (a total cat dad)'s best attempts to keep the house cat proof, Tulip can get into anything and managed to rack up a few zillions in bowel resectioning cause she tried to eat every dangerous thing in the house.

Trill is the other one, daddy's girl. She is obsessed with Miroir's nametag. She steals them and hides them. Yesterday morning she spotted Trill running through the house with one of the secreted nametags in her mouth, and Miroir had to wrastle her down before she escaped into one of the cat enclosures that daddy made.

I kept leaving stuffed animals around the cash area with notes on them like "It's MY nametag, MINE!" and "I can has nametag?"

(In return she kept making a bunny puppet sing "Why you gotta be so rude?" at me, cause I wasbeing grumpy.)

I was taking a nap after work, and as I drifted off I chuckled to myself as I pictured Trill zipping through the house, nametag firmly in mouth.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Parts of herself that'll bring you down

I like the way they've built a sort of climax into the song.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opération Montreal - 1 month left

It's getting to that bittersweet point. Looking forward, but starting to look back too. Looking forward to seeing Fernando and my adorable little Minion-girl. Looking forward to seeing my old friends and pals--Swiss Girl, Maewitch, Onthatmidnightstreet, Vidal, Banane, Rrraquel, MyBookEnabler, Li & Ford, and all the other old coworkers and pallies for whom I don't have internet nicknames. To a big city with every kind of street and concert and store and event. To my old nabe, my old library, my health food store, my pet supply store with cheaper toys. My writing corner. My well supplied kitchen.

But I'm becoming aware of how I'm going to miss my family and birdy-loos and the brat pack; my amazing coworkers; Mme Miroir and all her New Agey support; Harvey and Zoe and Elly Belly. How it takes no longer than 20 minutes to get anywhere. The cool library system. My little hidey-hole. And that there's a mountain view outside my workplace. That the downtown is one cute little strip. Oliver's, the little pet supply store up the road. The harbor and boats and sea planes. The peaceful ferry rides. The air that feels like you're clearing your soul when you breathe it in deep.


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
Stupeur et tremblements