"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Garage sale and schnoogles

Held a garage sale yesterday, made enough for a few tanks of gas. We were afraid of rain, but it mostly held off and we were ready for the hordes arriving at 7:30 am.

Today being easter, and this being a town full of oldies, which means churchies, I'm not expecting much. But in case some post church service goers want a bargain, I left the stuff out, with 50% off signs. Right now Haley and I are sitting inside by the window, chiling.

My besty Miroir gave me 10 crates of stuff she was going to donate, and it was nice stuff, lots of it sold. Oh that Miroir, helping me to the last. She's crazy generous, my girl--first thing you realize about her.

Now that my room is half empty Haley knows something is up. Last night was schnoogle after schnoogle. And it depresses me. I've got that queasiness in my stomach, which I get everytime I sleep for the lastt time in a packed up room, or first time in a new room. Well, it'll pass.


Haley was allowed in the office so she could watch.




Skye said...

Glad you had Hailey overseeing the yard sale. Cats are always good luck.

It will be okay. I'm sending you relaxation and anti-queasiness vibes right now!

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Change will cause queasiness. Even good change. This too shall pass.
I support your decisions from afar.

widdershins said...

Kittehs always noze when we are about to make their lives annoyingly uncomfortable.

London Mabel said...

Being allowed in a third room seems to be offsetting her disturbia.

My queasiness has passed, now it's just "Ah! I know how to pack boxes, but not how to pack a car!"


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