"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Have you tried shoving it up your arse?

Mme Miroir has been off work this week, which means me on cash a lot. She's good at it so my boss has historically stuck her there most of the time, though once in awhile he suddenly goes rogue and puts me up there. Two weeks ago he had me on till for days, and I slowly started turning into Miroir, and she started turning into me. It was disturbing.

I like working on cash sometimes, but if it's too many days in a row I start getting angry at people. For dumb things.

So Monday, in anticipation, I decided to start a little chart. I'm going to put a mark every time...

(1) Someone asks me what I did to the money. We run a special pen over the bills to make sure they're real and we have to do each bill, which means constantly being asked "What did you just do? how does it work? You get fake fives? Even the new ones?" And the joke I never want to hear again for as long as I live: "I just made it this morning." Oddly I don't mind answering Where's the bathroom? ten times a day. It must be all the fucking follow up. Do we have to write a dissertation on fake currency pens? Really?

My dad says I need the recorder from The IT Crowd.

(2) Someone puts their stuff down out of my arm's reach. Again, it's not their fault. There's a glass showcase built into the cash desk RIGHT where people should put their stuff down. Honestly the flow of this cash desk is absurd, I hate it. People instinctively don't want to put things down on glass. So then their items end up way on the other end where I can't reach them. Sometimes I just want to stand there and stare.

(3) Someone is a cheap bastard. On Monday a woman came up with a mini lotion bottle. All mini bottles are 29 cents. It's marked in huge letters on the basket. I charged her the 29 cents, and she was all: "You're kidding! It's half empty! I'm putting it back just on principle." Oh my God. This is a CHARITY STORE. You can't spare 30 cents to fund a local shelter? It was for her alone that I created the Cheap Bastard category.

It's like I've got my own till drinking game, only without drinks. I might have to get a basket on chocolates and take a "choc shot" each time.

Unrelated song of the day...


widdershins said...

Human beings - a strange species, at best!

Skye said...

Thrift shops, charity rummage sales, and yard sales: the cheap bastards come out in droves and for something that costs a dollar, somehow the person "only has 98 cents". Right. I actually refused to sell something to a woman at a yard sale because we finally negotiated a lower price and she then tried to say she was 7 cents short. I was so pissed I just said "well, I guess you can't afford this then." Grr. You have my empathy!

London Mabel said...

Honestly most customers are great. My anger is mostly unjustiffied, lol. And we have fantastic regulars.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Good plan. I need that at work, too. I troubleshoot oxygen equipment over the phone. My favorite stupid remark was: "No one told me I have to make sure the hose was not kinked."
Every day I am more convinced that over half the population is either stupid, cheap or entitled and sometimes all 3.


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