"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, April 25, 2014

Travels With My Cat

5:09 Duke Pt ferry lineup - lane 18

She looks calm, but she was hurling insults at me all the way in from town, and she's got a Parkinson's shake. Reminder of why I am not roadtripping with her. She's going to stay with my mum until I'm home, then she'll fly out.



My dad bought me these pewter dreamcatcher earrings as a dreams-comong-true farewell gift. Isn't that thoughtful? I'm so grateful to dad and stepmommy for putting me up (and up with) for two years while I refound my footing. They were so generous with their love and resources. My whole family is pretty wicked-awesome.


The gang's all here, seated on the goodbye peanut butter cookies jar, a gift from CJ's mother-in-law. (I confess I shamelessly requested them. The jar was a bonus!)


5:30 in place!

I made kitty's cage dark and she's quiet now. Going to pop upstairs for food and bathroom, then come back and sit with her. ...I'm back. Boy do ferry people love their White Spot. Anytime you take a suppertime ferry there's a line down the hall.

Haley and I are sitting quietly here. She in the back corner of the cage, and me here reading Pratchett. It's so quiet it's creepy. Better play some music.


6:30 Orcas along the port side!

I missed them, but there was an announcement. Let Hales out for a bit, but she's determined to climb into the engine, if that's possible. I once read of a cat who got loose and zipped into the cockpit and managed to get into the nose of the plane. Never underestimate a scared cat in search of a dark, enclosed space.

7:03 Two huge Rotties just lumbered past.

The Chihuahua in BMW is Not Amused. "You will respect mah authorité!"


7:05 Listening to Flight of the Conchords

Man is lying on the street

Some punk's chopped off his head

I'm the only one who stops to see if he's dead!

...Turns out he's dead


7:42 Time to Go!

Been reading my car manual. Page turning stuff. Well, time to go soon. Byeee!

Little CJ




widdershins said...

We're off to adventures!

Widdercat sends Haley slow-blink- air-kisses of commiseration.

London Mabel said...

Haley sends appreciation for commiseration. "O hu-mahns! They suck sometimes!"


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