"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know cats need nametags too?

Coworker Mme Miroir has two cats. Tulip is basically Minion's "sister from another mother." They're both gleeful troublemakers.  Despite Miroir and her husband (a total cat dad)'s best attempts to keep the house cat proof, Tulip can get into anything and managed to rack up a few zillions in bowel resectioning cause she tried to eat every dangerous thing in the house.

Trill is the other one, daddy's girl. She is obsessed with Miroir's nametag. She steals them and hides them. Yesterday morning she spotted Trill running through the house with one of the secreted nametags in her mouth, and Miroir had to wrastle her down before she escaped into one of the cat enclosures that daddy made.

I kept leaving stuffed animals around the cash area with notes on them like "It's MY nametag, MINE!" and "I can has nametag?"

(In return she kept making a bunny puppet sing "Why you gotta be so rude?" at me, cause I wasbeing grumpy.)

I was taking a nap after work, and as I drifted off I chuckled to myself as I pictured Trill zipping through the house, nametag firmly in mouth.



Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Fun when you can joke with your coworkers!

widdershins said...

Names have magic. Nametags, more so!


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