"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Miss Mabel's Farewell Tour: MONDAY

Had to bring Haley to the airport by 7:30 AM! So... foolishly early start. Dad flew in and met me there. Long story short: Haley is home sweet home. By last report she was very very quiet, and Minion terrified. I'm not too worried. The last time we had a 200 lbs dog visit us, Minion was scared at first, and ended by sitting on the couch whacking the dog, trying to provoke him. She'll be terrorizing Haley in no time.

That's my main worry over. At mum's she got used to the big ole alpha cat (Mystery), and two of the dogs ignored her (Sassy alpha, and midlist Rocky), but Eddy took exception to her and scared the bejeezus out of her. Either he sensed Haley's inherent teh evils, or resented the idea of another cat claiming a higher place on the ladder than him.

So there was some wolverbeaning--more than she's done in years. Scratches all over my right arm and left foot. She got my mum's ankle, but she said dog bites hurt much worse, so she was a good sport. I got wolverbeaned so often, by the end I was just rolling my eyes ("Really?") and Haley's efforts were half hearted ("Rawr! Hey are those crunchies?")

I drove to my aunt's house in Chilliwack, on the side of a little mountain. She made us scones and tea. Then dad drove so I could enjoy the scenarios.

I love silly street names.

The final space left for stuffing things in: The left side of the car. By rolling down the window, but not opening the door, I was able to shove in (a) a large teacup collection of my grandmother's, (b) a jug of windshield fluid, (c) chippies, (d) my computer bag, (e) and our coats.

Drove through Hope, BC, which was ridiculously cute. The type of place you set a romcom.

Not the rockies yet, but lots of mountains.

Strange roadside places.

There's a series of tunnels, each with an odd name.

An Elvis restaurant.

We had perfect travel weather and traffic.

Up in the arid mountains.

Lunch at a diner where, it seems, they filmed a scene of Hard Core Logo.

Then I drove us through Kamloops and on to our current stop in Littlefort. Which I assume is where Littlefinger is from? (Game of Thrones?)

There was a big quilt made by the woman who seated us, so Yoda took a picture for Madame Miroir.

Kicking back with The IT Crowd at Bree's Motel.

In honor of the town of Chilliwack, today's song: Chilliwack's "My Girl"...


Skye said...

The road trip looks fun and very beautiful! I have actually been to Chilliwack, back when my family took a vacation up from Southern CA and into Canada. We loved the name! May your travels continue to be easy and enjoyable!

widdershins said...

A beautiful drive ..... and chippies!


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