"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Opération Montreal - 1 month left

It's getting to that bittersweet point. Looking forward, but starting to look back too. Looking forward to seeing Fernando and my adorable little Minion-girl. Looking forward to seeing my old friends and pals--Swiss Girl, Maewitch, Onthatmidnightstreet, Vidal, Banane, Rrraquel, MyBookEnabler, Li & Ford, and all the other old coworkers and pallies for whom I don't have internet nicknames. To a big city with every kind of street and concert and store and event. To my old nabe, my old library, my health food store, my pet supply store with cheaper toys. My writing corner. My well supplied kitchen.

But I'm becoming aware of how I'm going to miss my family and birdy-loos and the brat pack; my amazing coworkers; Mme Miroir and all her New Agey support; Harvey and Zoe and Elly Belly. How it takes no longer than 20 minutes to get anywhere. The cool library system. My little hidey-hole. And that there's a mountain view outside my workplace. That the downtown is one cute little strip. Oliver's, the little pet supply store up the road. The harbor and boats and sea planes. The peaceful ferry rides. The air that feels like you're clearing your soul when you breathe it in deep.


Skye said...

It can be difficult to be divided like that, but it's so good that you found happiness where you are while you've been there.

So glad you are returning to Fernando and Minion and all the rest. While I would find it difficult to live so far from the coast, it sounds like you love your city.

Sorry we haven't managed to get together in this year since I've been in the NW. So glad we can connect other ways.

I'm happy for you.

widdershins said...

And the hours drag their heels and flash by in an instant.

Hopefully by the time you get over there all those nasty storms would have finished up for the year and headed back to the North Pole.

London Mabel said...

@Skye - If I could transplant F and Minion and friends to nanaimo, it'd be perfect! I'm glad I've had online friends, though, cause you guys have been the one thing that hasn't changed--provides a sense of continuity. :-)

@widders - You always have a way with words, darlin'. That's exactly it. :-)


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