I am part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untraveled world whose margin fades
Forever and forever when I move.
I've talked before about being open to new things as I age. Or things I've previously rejected.
So right now there's the swimming, as I've mentioned.
Apples. A lot of fruits and vegetables give me a hungry feeling in my estomac, and apples were always the worst. But every night my step-mother eats an orange and an apple, and offers me some. I can't eat much orange cause I get cankers, but I started picking at her apples. And now I've bought two bags full! Quebec apples are yummy and for some reason they were all on sale.
Horror / ghost movies. I just never cared about them. At a high school sleepover my buds rented Nightmare in Elm Street, and then either fell asleep or were too scared to open their eyes. I had to hold Pelican's hand the whole time. ...Reminds me if the time Swiss Girl was excited about dissecting a crayfish in high school, and I love animals so we agreed we'd partner together and she could do all the cutting and I'd just draw. And then when it happened she felt sick to her stomach! And I had to do it. I can still remember it's wee digestive tract. ...It's annoying being unsqueamish.
Anyway, all of the sudden I'm in the mood for horror movies. I watched Resident Evil with my parents, and right now I'm watching What Lies Beneath.
Meditation. I've always believed it was good, but figured I just can't do it. My brain's too noisy. But it keeps popping up everywhere, so I decided to work on it this year. And then I read Mindsight and saw how much he uses it to help people integrate their minds, grow new neurons. My left brain likes to know how things work! So I've started doing it, a little bit. Just a minute or so of focusing on my breathing, before bed or when I'm nervous or upset. They say it's like exercise, you gotta try it regularly before seeing a difference. Transcendentalists believe you need to do 20 mins twice a day, for example.
So there's some of my New Things. Anyone else? Any thoughts? Instead of a song if the day, I leave you with a Tennyson poem. It takes place after Ulysses' return home, as he questions his retirement, and longs to get back on the sea and seek out new adventures.