"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Toons and inspirationes (Some Point is now)

Busy drywalling tonight. My first time ever, I'm terrible at it. Anyway, so here are just some cartoons my brother's sent me in the past, and Inspirational Thingies I got off facebook, that I wanted to share at some point. That point has come.

(Opening them in a new window should make some of them larger.)

This is my mum's dog Sassy. Not in looks, but I mean she's always trying to escape and go on neighborhood adventures. And she succeeds! Then I have to patrol the backyard fence to figure out where there's a gap or a hole.

And the cartoon I made of my Mabel Logo, with Minion, Haley and my laptop.


Skye said...

Wonderful inspirational and amusing bits and pieces. Thank you for sharing them.

How did you draw your picture and get it on the computer?

Robena Grant said...

I love all of them, but especially the quote from the Dalai Lama. Thanks for that. : )

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Drywalling is not fun. So are you remodeling your mom's house while she recovers?

widdershins said...

One of my favourites is, 'Lack of preparation on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine'.

London Mabel said...

@Skye - I took the Mabel picture (which is something i found years ago on the internet) and put it in my ipad. Opened it in a drawing program. Added a "layer" on top and traced over the picture, changing elements of it. And then got rid of the first layer that had the original picture.

@Robena - Ya Dalai Lama pretty deep.

@JJJ - A little bit. There's a little room up here in the garret that was supposed to be a bathroom. I'm putting up drywall so she can just wallpaper it and call it a closet. And I painted the kitchen cupboards cause they were second hand mismatched.

@widders - I wonder if I got that from your page? Cause I shared that with my brother about a year ago, and he loves it. It's a good one to remember. Though in the face of someone else's emergency... it can be hard to say no. ;-)

Kris said...

I love your little cartoons, I still have the one you did for me up on my pinboard :-)

London Mabel said...

@Kris - Thanks! I do need to make more...


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