I felt I should say something in re Black History month. So I'm recommending a great documentary I'm watching
by a filmmaker who thinks it should be abolished. I've developed a big sore throat, but it's so good I don't want to sleeps. It's not only interesting, but clever and funny.
And I think I'll finally start that new biography of Malcolm X. ...Not because it's Black History month but... because the mood cometh upon me.
Okay, it's hours later now, I've caught up on my blog reading, I'm trying not to swallow too much, my hubby's waking up to go to work... as LitDiva's students would say: Seriously? Still up? What kind of tribute to Whitney Houston is that!
Go to bed Mabel.
Seriously? Still sick? What kind of tribute to Whitney is that? ... hope your sore throat goes away soon.
I like where he's coming from. I have to say though, as a whole (and I know there are exceptions) in the USA public school is a mess. There would be places where if there wasn't black history month, it would be like people of color didn't exist.
I know. I live in one of those place. One of the MANY reasons my daughter home schools is because if she didn't her kids would get a very off version of history, no version of evolution and xtianity taught as unquestioned reality. In the public school.
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