"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Books You've Always Meant to Read

From brainpickings.org I gather these were posters put out by Roosevelt's New Deal agency. ...Maybe they were trying to encourage people to use the library when they couldn't afford to buy books! ?

If you were going to do this, what book would it be? If I chose from the classics, I'd have to say Middlemarch cause I've had it kicking around so long (though Barb warned me against it.) Among newer books, I'd say Fall On Your Knees by Anne-Marie Macdonald, which is one of the books I brought to read here.

By the way, my mother was quite shocked by my 50 Books to Read This Year pile. She reads about a mystery novel a day. She doesn't understand this two-weeks-to-read-a-book business. Get in and get out!


Judy, Judy, Judy said...

I can't seem to finish Allen Carr's Easyweigh to lose weight. It's good but I can only take small doses because I don't appear to be ready.
I have An Accidental Seduction by Lois Greiman. I love her but I don't like historicals much and I keep not reading it.
I read like your mom.

Brussel Sprout said...

I love Middlemarch - it's one of my two desert island books, Bleak House is the other. I re-read them every other year and for me, they only get better.

Classics I've always meant to finish (started 'em but have never managed to finish): Ulysses and Moby Dick.

My 'you should really read' list of authors I've never read: Herman Hesse, Dostoevsky and Gunter Grass.

On my TBR pile at the moment, Divine Comedy.

Skye said...

I have some fiction to read, but right now my reading list consists of four books pertaining to my therapy. I'm trying to read a bit of each of at least three of them each week but am not quite managing yet. So I'm reading to become fabulous right now. But fiction I can read a book a night, unless it's one of those huge tomes.

Reading list right now:
SOS Help for Your Emotions, Lynn Clark PhD
I thought it was just me, Brene Brown, PhD
Self-Compassion, Kristin Neff, PhD

Judie said...

It would probably the Lord of the Rings Trillogy. It probably has another name, but that's how I think of it.

My dad and brothers loved it and I have always meant to read it, but got distracted by other tempting morsels. I bought the trillogy twice and there would be a book drive and so I'd give tham away, since I hadn't gotten to them yet.

widdershins said...

Michael Jordan's 'Wheel of Time' series - but the fact that he died before he'd finished, and there are at least three books yet to be written (14 at last count) has put me off a little.

It's a bit like George R. R. Martin's 'Song of Ice and Fire' series. I'm going to wait until he finishes them too.

I'm a bit like your mum - devour the whole thing in one sitting - which for me includes every book in a series!

widdershins said...

Just realised I confused the athlete Michael Jordan with the author Robert Jordan! ... Oops!

A timely lesson in re-reading what one has typed before one hits 'publish'!

London Mabel said...

@JJJ - Sometimes I'm just not in a nonfiction mood. Like right now. Then it's hard to read those Allen Carr type things.

@Brussel - I've only seen the tv series for both and LOVED them. I figure it's been long enough now, I've forgotten enough Middlemarch that I can read it. - I feel like I should read Ulysses too. Never did the moderns when I was in university.

@Skye - I finally listened to the Brene TED talk, it was great. "reading to become fabulous" -- you mean fabulouser!

@Judie - Prepare yourself for a lot of walking walking walking. I'm not a fan of high fantasy, but still moderately enjoyed them. So you might like them.

@widdershins - What! I thought there was only Part 2 of the last one to go! Lordy. - Because the brain makes its own shortcuts, I didn't even see the Michael/Robert! lol

Thanks everyone for sharing, I love to know what people are reading... or not reading.


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