"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

I'm such a little fella

My brother sent me this video from our childhood. It's a series we both vaguely remembered... basically just that it was a shrunken head and the theme song went "Chico Chico the raaainmaka..."

I didn't remember that the head itself sung the theme! He's so cute! And how awesome the theme is!

Chico chico the rainmaker, Chico chico the rainmaker, Chico chico the rainmaker, Chicopacobacawana make the rain! Chico I'm such a little fella, When I'm around you better get your umbrella, As I start to sway and my eyes go flash, The heavens open wide with a mighty crash!

These are the kinds of things that get me through the hard times. Chico Chico the raaaainmaka...


BrotherPaul said...

The kids trying to help him carried him around inside a soccer ball so the villains wouldn't find him and at one point he was accidentally dropped in a river and the ball floated away with Chico in it, unable to help himself, as everyone panicked. There may have been a requisite waterfall downstream, I can't quite remember.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Is that a Canada thing because I've never heard of it?

Brotherpaul said...


London Mabel said...

It must have played on a Canadian channel in the 80s. It seems to have been a mini-series. Unlike my brother, I don't remember anything except the song! I had it in my head all day today.

Ladada said...

Chico's pretty cool. But hard to beat Weeeeed and the Flower Pot Men. (Maybe these shows are responsible for the demise of the Brit Empire? Oh my...)


London Mabel said...

Weeeed. Weeeeed!


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