"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Public Service Announcement for Computer Users

Because it's Nanowrimo, I figured I should share the:  Best Mug to Use at a Computer...

Look how happy he is! Don't you want to be HAPPY??

My step-mother bought these at Club Price and couldn't stop raving about how they are, truly, non-spill (and keep things hot/cold for a long time.) I keep seeing other people with them.

She gave me one, and since I spend a lot of time in my bedroom which has an OFF WHITE carpet, I stole my dad's too, and then bought a couple more (for my water, for my tea, for other drinks, and for work.) Now I can't use any other travel mug, because I treat them too cavalierly and spill them. I used to a mug I can toss on the bed and throw in my purse.

Look! I'm holding it right over my laptop keyboard!

I don't use them at the table, though, in part cause I like BIG mugs. I've been stockpiling any BIG mugs I see at the thrift store so when I have my own place it will only have BIG mugs. And Contigos.

"Manly yes but I like it too!"

Though if I saw a good writer's mug I wouldn't kick it out of bed for eating crackers...

I love these Penguin ones.



widdershins said...

Ooooo! From whence did you get such a magical contraption?

I so wanted Big Bird to be up there on stage with Obama as he was giving his acceptance speech!

London Mabel said...


Maybe Big Bird will be invited to the next white house event.


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