"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, December 28, 2012

12 Days of 2012 - 5 - Moving!

Here are the entertainment bits that most moved me this year.

Doctor Who Last Christmas Fernando and I hunkered down with our treats, and watched back to back Who specials. They were all touching.

Maus I & II Spiegelman showed everyone just how brilliant a graphic novel can be.

Parenthood Everyone knows this is where you go for your weekly cry (or two or three.)

Top 10 (1 & 2) I re-read it and made my mum read it. Super imaginative, funny, wonderful characters, and often very moving...

... like the storyline about a traffic accident and the two victims just sitting, dying together. (Click to see bigger.)

King Lear Rewatched one of my fave series ever, Slings & Arrows -- which contains several moving scenes from King Lear. So I also re-read the play.

 Ce qu'il faut pour vivre (The Necessities of Life) Beautiful movie. Not sappy, just kind, with the understated message that one of the necessities of life is human contact.

West Wing Rewatched all the Sorkin seasons this year. Unlike the entertaining-train-wreck that is The Network, this is Sorkin at the nadir of his talent. MASH-like in its combo of politics, funny, and moving. Ranks with Buffy as some of the greatest television ever.

A Christmas Carol I love a good redemption story.


Judy, Judy, Judy said...

I used to be such a Dr. Who fan back in the Tom Baker days. Then I kind of drifted away from tv. Now this year I watched a few episodes again. Liking David Tennant.

Judie said...

DH loves Doctor Who - I've got to give it a go one of these years. ;)

widdershins said...

Have to agree with you about The West Wing and Buffy!

London Mabel said...

@JJJ - I remember finally catching the second doctor, when I was in high school, and I had a total crush on him. But really I love them ALL. I'm now working my way through the reboot, starting with Eccleston. However I think it's around season 5 that everyone says the show REALLY gets amazing.

@Judie - The new series is a great blend of funny, adventure, silliness, and touching/serious.

@widders - I can understand some people not being able to get into Buffy, but the West Wing... 80% of the population should have seen it by now! No excuses! (Okay, only the Sorkin seasons.)


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