"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, December 6, 2012

I got it thrift! Cat Edition

I have a new feature for ya--my thrift shop purchases. Besides a few clothes I needed, I've been keeping an eye out for things to populate a future apartment.

You've already met Betty Widdersley Brownlow. Amazingly she has the same exact taste as me. We love the same TV shows and music and snacks. She introduces me to great bands (insists she was listening to Macklemore before he was famous.)

"Oooh Oreos!"

"Ooh Nashville!"

Here's a picture I resisted until it was on sale.

I think you've already seen The Boss and Maneki-neko...

My kitty bookends, along with second hand books from my other job:

And a bit of freebie art: A card from my aunt.


Skye said...

Those are all wonderful things! They will look terrific in an apartment. They look terrific in your room. They say home and coziness.

Robena Grant said...

Ahhh, a true cat lover. I like them all.

inkgrrl said...

So clearly you need more cats around, is what you're saying?

They're all adorable so far. Will have to cogitate on sources to add to your menagerie ;-)

Judie said...

Totally awesome. I love all the kittys. Sooooo cute.

widdershins said...

Your Aunt's card? Totally has the cat 'tude down pat!

Julie said...

You know I adore you, but Hun, that's WAY too many fucking cats!!!

(How's your healing going? I second the arnica suggestion from a few days back.)

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

You work in an awesome thrift store. My silly cat, Blackie, was mad at me for a few days. I 'disappeared' for 3 days to go to my nephew's memorial service. When I came back, Blackie hid from me for a few days. I knew he was around because he was eating, but he didn't show himself.

London Mabel said...

@Skye - Hmm you're right. I seem to be seeking La Coziness.

@Robena - A cat lover, and cat misser. Sigh.

@inkgrrl - My kitties are still in Montreal, and I can't bring them here cause my parents have parrots. I keep trying to convince them to let me take my mum's cat: "He's arthritic, he can't jump up. And he's declawed!" But a parrot would probably get HIM.

@Judie - Kittehs are the best.

@widders - It was drawn by a child! It's great.

@Julie - I did try to warn you by putting it in the title! Yes... I have cat withdrawal. You should see me and Betty Widdersley Brownlow cuddling while watching tv. We dance and talk...

The healing's alright. You're the third person to recommend the arnica. I'll have to locate some...

@JJJ - Ohhh the kittie cut direct! Ernie used to do it for a few hours. Minion doesn't at all. But Haley once did it for THREE MONTHS. She didn't hide, but would only cuddle with Fernando.


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