"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Monday, December 3, 2012

Yes, my injuries fascinate moi

I've been initiated! Well that's my theory for the work accident I had on Friday.

Ever since I started wearing boots for work (we have to wear protective shoes cause we move furniture around) I've been tripping over them. I thought I'd adjust to them, the way you eventually adjust to wearing glasses or braces. But it's been 2 months and I still stumble in them sometimes, and I finally went down.

The edge of my boot caught a tupperware bin, and I fell like timber. Technically at fault was where I'd placed the bin, increasing the likelihood of a trip. But I blame the motherf***ing boots.

It's an interesting experience to fall straight down, to not be able to move one foot forward, to at least stumble a few steps and then fall, less hard. But the grips are so strong on these boots, if I stumble it's hard for me to recover. My feet didn't budge. I went down on my knees, arm, and face. Luckily my face fall was broken by the milk crate of bric à brac  I was carrying at the time--I'd rather land on plastic than concrete.

I had a headache, but that was to be expected given my migraines. And the rest is bumps and bruises, no wrecked knees. I finished my shift, and went to work Saturday. But I was feeling increasingly tired, and in the last hour my face and neck were flushed so red my co-workers were concerned about me, so I called in sick to my volunteer job Sunday.

I'd like these in purple. Or maybe green!
Then on Sunday my dad took me to Workland (Mark's Warehouse) and I got an early Christmas present of some nice, normal sized, protective work shoes. ...I couldn't get cute pink or purple ones cause they didn't have my size. Or the ace ones that looked like Convers. But I got some nice little shoes that I'm very happy with.

Similar to these...

Are you ready for the bruise tour? Here we go!

Two bruises on my right arm.

Three on my left knee...

The big one on my right knee. That's the knee that took most of the fall. It's a big bump too.

Cut on my chin. There's a bump under it.

I wasn't sure I'd bumped my head until I later felt this wee bump over my eyebrow. It's a little bit blue, but you probably can't see. Looks like a blue vein.

Oh this little scab above my lip? That came from Philea Parrot. It's almost gone. ;-)


Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Well I'm glad if there had to be an initiation fall it's over with. And you only have minor injuries. Glad you have better shoes now.

Skye said...

Glad you are okay and nothing major hurt. What a bummer. Glad you have new and better work shoes! Take care, you. You are important and the only one of you we have!

Have you noticed that you are getting some weird spam comments lately? My blog catches those and they don't make it into the comments.

inkgrrl said...

Oh jeez dude, you poor baby! I'm glad the initiation is over, let's not have any repeats!

widdershins said...


... Polish spam - tres interesting!

... you can always dye the boots to the colour of your choice!

... arnica - salve on your outer bumps and some homeopathic pills for your inner bumps.

... hopes you is betterz soon!

Simone said...

LOL twit. :)

Like the shoes that look like hiking boots. I am in the market and I am willing to profit from your misfortune. Tell me more about the brand.

Robena Grant said...

I missed this post. So sorry you had to go through such a nasty fall. Those bruises if they're anything like mine will hang around for a while. Two weeks to lose the one on my smashed knee. : )

London Mabel said...

@JJJ - The shoes are MUCH better. Should have done this earlier (forehead slap.)

@Skye - Blogger does usually catch these spammies. The occasional one that gets through I delete, but once someone comments on it... I leave it. Cause it's become part of the narrative. :-)

@inkgrrl - Thanks! I'll try my best.

@widders - Dyeing! You're brilliant. Except these are brown. I guess I could bleach and then dye...

@Simone - lol Well you don't need "safety toe" shoes like this, but go to Mark's Warehouse. The one I went to was HUGE, like a department store. And they have hiking boots, as well as the work ones. The brand I got was Dakota which I think is their brand.

@Robena - Ouch! Yeah, I think they'll be around for awhile. Turning interesting colors... :-)


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