"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Sometimes learning sucks

As you know I went through the whole towering thing this past year or two. Another froggy pal is going through it now. It SUCKS to be in, even while you know it will be useful in the end, and lead to a better life. Cold comfort. The chorus to his Hawksley Workman song about sums it up:
I guess this is what I'm supposed to learn
But learning is so devastating

And since the song about the end of a relationship, we can count this as Love Song of the Day:

We cried till we were dried out
We tried till we were tried out
And that was all we had


Julie said...

Big love, from me to you.

Skye said...

Yeah, all that "character building" stuff hurts and I'd much rather not build my character any more. Totally get it.

widdershins said...

Next time around, I'd like to be born on a planet where character building happens without trauma to mind, body, or spirit!

Judy, Judy, Judy said...

Always I'm reading your blog at work and I can't see the videos. Have to go back and look.
Thanks for giving me the credit for your quote but I actually don't know the origin. For me, I originally read it on a bumper sticker that was stuck to a wall above someones desk. They didn't know who said it first, either.
Towering is draining. Hope you're new tower starts feeling comfy soon.

J,J,J said...

Geez - what a day. YOUR new tower - not you're.

London Mabel said...

@Julie - Thank-you! This week I wanted to treat myself to something new, so I got Colette's map oracle cards. The artwork is gorgeous.

@Skye - Yes, you've built a few skyscrapers worth of character. Can we get a character break? Can we just be shallow for awhile??

@widders - Let's keep the drama between the pages of our books.

@JJJ - Well I'm glad you can get some internet reading done at work. Doesn't cut into your writing time! :-) --> I slightly changed the quote attribution, but thanks for sharing it all the same.

Kris said...

How have I missed so many posts? What have I been doing? Need to find a way of keeping track better!
This is a good tower song. I'm sure we'll all look back at our towering and be grateful that it happened...but for now i'll just stick with 'Sucks!'


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
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