"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, December 9, 2011

wot i'm up to

Hallo friendly peeples!

Sorry for being behind--I'm working a seasonal job, helping man the kiosk for my friend's ceramics at an annual handicrafts show. It's one of the big pre-Christmas events, though I've never been! Beautiful stuff there.

Li's things are so joyful looking, they provoke a reaction from most passer-byes even if they don't buy. I feel like The Bringer of Joy.

I've shown you some of her things before. Not everything's on her website though--she comes up with new ideas all the time. She's SO creative. And people comment not only on how cute they are, but beautiful too. Even les men.

She sells to quite a few American boutiques, but the boutique page isn't up to date, I don't think.

I've posted pics before but, heck, let's play it again Sam!

These hanging puffer fish and octopus get constant reactions. They provoke a lot of laughter.
Like they're hang up comedians.

This was my last purchase. Little octopi with wee tentacles!

Squishy mugs--there's an indent that perfectly fits your thumb.

 And she has a line of spikies.

 Little flower vases.

I love these! But haven't personally sold any yet! Don't get it...

Jars for plants or utensils. 

And this is from her Collection Montreal.
(I never noticed there's a kitty in one window!)

So... the final Oliver post is coming soon! Don't want to rush-post. :-)


widdershins said...

Love the whimsey ...

What do you mean the final Oliver post? ... What will we do when there's no more Oliver posts?

Skye said...

The pottery is wonderful! It all appeals to me. The artwork pieces amuse me. But the last Oliver post? How can that be? I mean, Oliver goes on, right, so the posts have to go on, RIGHT?!

London Mabel said...

Re Oliver: But no news is good news, right? Okay I'll try to put up some Oliver cuteness from time to time. :-)

gmc said...

I love those ceramics and art pieces... so whimsical and heart-tickling!

London Mabel said...

It's a pleasure to sell the products of someone so talented and so hard working.


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