"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Writing Corner: Updated

I had to turn my desk in a different direction recently--there's a rolltop desk in my room now. Yes, there's too much stuff. Anyway. 

I discovered I liked my new spot, able to see Kitteh on Heater as well as watch everyone taking their dogs out to pee. Possibly I also like that I can't see over the rolltop desk and book case next to me to see my messy room, or see behind me...
 My bookcase of England books (complete with bowler hat, stuffed rats, and Tom Servo.) But because it's next to the washer and dryer, I've been using it to sort clothes and drape clothes that need to be hung up. ...Possibly this should be my next project.

Anyway, my new corner was surprisingly practical, but looked ugly. So I moved a bookcase, and tossed up some decor. Here's the new corner.

On the chair is a sweater, and under the desk is a blanky. 
I haven't yet had to bring out the space heater and fingerless gloves.

Rolltop desk to the right. Pencils, pens, pic of old cats.
And a mini Calico on top.

View of the parking lot.

Found a use for my thesaurus, crossword dictionary, quotations dictionary, Chicago Manual of Style, and the two English dictionaries my grandfather gave me when I started my first degree in 1993. (I need the computer screen to be eye level.)
Also pictured: My 2nd hand but came in its original plastic Tsimshian Treasures--research for my book. About a collection of west coast artifacts that ended up in Great Britain, and were repatriated (to Canada, not to the Tsimshian people.)

A little purple flair for the book case.

Ergonomics: Adjustable chair, pullout keyboard.

Night View

Mega mug full of milky mint tea.

Realized we were missing some decor. So added Oscar and 3 postcards I bought in London, to the shelf with the writing books.

Créations Li dude and tea lights for the shelf with research for this and the next book.

Speaking of Li--the writing smurf she gave me years ago.

And for the kittons... a blanket for Minion to land on when she falls asleep on the heater and falls off.

The nearby shelf with boxes of my grandfather's papers (and an article about the room at the University of Alberta that they named after him) which Minion likes to lounge on. I assume she communes with his spirit up there.

One of her throughways. 

A rare visit from Haley. 

Minion checking out the new setup. Dost thou approve madam?

She doth.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Buffeted About

I think my novel is finally moving. I think I worked through the blocks and plot obstacles and it's gonna flow now. PHEE-YEW.
And now for a Comments Interlude:

The Story

The Comments


Sunday, January 29, 2012

Writing with Minion

I put my chair back in a more a reclined position. But possibly I reclined it too much.

Minion's clinging to the chair and leaning on my back. 

Judging by the movement, she may be giving herself a bath.

(Maybe if I passed her a comb she could tidy my hair.)
(Never mind, I just felt her use her claws.)

Her two more usual spots now that I'm back to working at my desk...
How can I type when someone's napping on my hand?

That's better. With the radiator on, this is a good winter hangout.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Well, stuffy me pink!

My brother pointed these out to me. They're all designed by Native artists. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I have a huge stuffed animal collection and I try to no longer add to it, but OH MY DAYS.

Here's a few, but go see them all!  (The whole site has lovely stuff.)

My brother's favorite. He's jolly!
Bizzy the Beaver - Designed by Chris Kewistep, Bella Bella 
 Clapper the Thunderbird - Designed by Doug LaFortune, Coast Salish 
Cleo the Crab - Designed by Corey Bulpitt, Haida 

Luna the Whale - Designed by Corey Bulpitt, Haida 

Smokey the Wolf - Designed by Beau Dick, Kwakwaka'wakw  

Namu the Orca - Designed by Paul White, Haida 

Puppets too!
Hunter the Bear - Designed by Corey Bulpitt, Haida 

In other news - some new music:

K'naan has a new EP out and released this single.

If you heard this on the radio, would you guess it's Miley Cyrus? From a new album of Bob Dylan covers. 


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Desk Porn

After reading Jennifer Crusie's post about Susan Elizabeth Phillips' desk, Ms. Brownlow and I were emailing about desks. I was looking for old pics of my desk, when I came across an old post I made of writing corner porn. (They're not even that porny--some of the features are quite doable. Minus the beautiful windows in clearly old houses.)

Here are two old pics of my writing corner. The essentials are still the same, but I periodically rearrange things. While a fancy pant cute-a-tude corner is nice to dream about, better a crap desk where you get your writing done, than a beautiful one where you don't.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Carnaval de Fernando!

Fernando is going to the Carnaval de Quebec next month with his friends. I'm staying home to catsit our cats and Shooter the Dog. I don't mind, cause it's not really my thing to stand around outside during the coldest month of the year. As a child I always got tired of sledding before other kids, cause my little toes and fingers were in so much pain.

The carnival's been going since 1894--it grew out of post-Lent frolicking. 

This is the Master of the Carnaval, the Bonhomme du Carnaval (carnival snowman.) I told Fernando I want a picture of him!

As you can see he's dressed in traditional Québécois garb. 

He also had the honor of making the 10 Creepiest Mascots list, because of his resemblance to the monstrous Stay Puft marshmallow man.

But despite creepiness, our popular news magazine came under fire when they used Bonhomme for the cover story about corruption in Quebec. Poor Bonhomme. 

Besides the sporting events, the carnival features an ice/snow castle...

fantastic sculptures...

 and a snow bath. Which I think Shooter-the-dog's dad is trying to convince everyone to do.

(My mother and I always wanted to do Vancouver's annual New Year's polar bear dip, but there's no way we're arriving anywhere at 2:30 PM New Year's Day. We can barely get up by the "crack of noon" as my grandfather's cousin used to say.)

I'm going to ask for a souvenir. Maybe a "ceinture flechée" (arrowhead sash)...

 or anything with Bonhomme on it. He may be creepy but... he's the man, what can I say. Though I was born in Alberta, partly raised in Manitoba, I've lived in Quebec for 26 years. And my family name is very French Canadian, so it's in the blood there somewhere. My québécoise-a-tude.



Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
Stupeur et tremblements