"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Evil Minion and Haley in Winter

Haley's New Years' Resolution is, I believe, to give Minion a run for her money.
She wants to go back to dominating the place.
Here she begins with amping up the cute-a-tude.


This is her Scheming look.
"Hmm on to part B of my plaaaan..."

Minion, meanwhile, got started in December on new shenanigans.

The paper bag is an old classic.

Under the Blanket is a kitty standard, but now she dives under 
the sofa blankets at any chance.

 She discovered the ladybugs. Luckily they weren't exciting 
enough to hold her attention.

This is a keychain I got at a dollar gift exchange.
It's made of real fur, so I gave it to Evil in place of her usual mouse 
(which she usu rips up in 1 day.)

This lasted about a month! Until I finally found it in pieces
all around the apartment.

She still likes to play with the head.

Then there's the Barbie shoes. I had them lined up in the bottom
of the glass Barbie house. She slides the door open and jumps in
and frolicks...

...spreads Barbie shoes all over the house.
She's such a smarty, I mostly let her do what she wants.
She esp likes the ballet shoes.

She likes to sit by the heater in the bathroom and watch for the 
two silverfish. And discovered that the toilet paper can be
used as a scratching post.

We bought her a bunch of new sparkle balls and they were in
a plastic bag. So then she turned Getting Them Out of the Bag
into a game. I tie it closed and she works on getting them out.

Truly... it's hard to keep occupied when you dance in smartypants.

 And I don't have a photo, but she also broke into Fernando's lollipops and crunched on one. She had no interest in eating them... just looking for shit to do.



Jason said...

Where do you get the blue and gold crinkle ball? Whiskey (and now Bailey) love those and they are usually the first ones to disappear under furniture!

London Mabel said...

You have a second cat now?!! Yay!! Or did you have a baby and she likes to chase crinkle balls?? I'd better go check your facebook page.

I originally got them at the dollar store but haven't seen them there since. But I just got more at Global in the little Pointe Claire mall down the hill from me. Haley and Minion love them too.

Anonymous said...

Now the "Oo, Ah, dance in smartypants" song has infested my brain ...

London Mabel said...

YOU KNOW THE SMARTY PANTS SONG!!! Between the Lions is the best!


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
Stupeur et tremblements