"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Writing with Minion

I put my chair back in a more a reclined position. But possibly I reclined it too much.

Minion's clinging to the chair and leaning on my back. 

Judging by the movement, she may be giving herself a bath.

(Maybe if I passed her a comb she could tidy my hair.)
(Never mind, I just felt her use her claws.)

Her two more usual spots now that I'm back to working at my desk...
How can I type when someone's napping on my hand?

That's better. With the radiator on, this is a good winter hangout.



Judie said...

Minion is awesome. I love trying to type around a cat. Keeps things interesting.

Simone said...

JR starting kneeding with front AND back paws.. and his eyes glaze over... it's getting creepy!

nancy said...

Minion was reading over your shoulder. Then, in the third photo, she was reacting to what she'd read, either laughing into her paws or needing a moment because she was so moved. [Can you remember what you'd written there? Keep that part; it worked.] In the final photo, she's gone off to be with her thoughts for a bit, you've given her such a lot to think about. DO NOT ever underestimate Minion.

Robena Grant said...

What a gorgeous cat. She really seems to know what she wants. : )

widdershins said...

Writers and cats!

London Mabel said...

@Judie - And when she gets to shnoogly, it's hard to kick her off!

@Simone - His BACK paws?? I don't think I've ever seen that!

@Nancy - lol You're right it does look like she's reading my book! And then weeping because she found out the cat in it will be based on Oliver and not her.

@Robena - Minion thanks you. And yes, she's hell on wheels.

@widder - Go together like beans and cornbread! Peanut butter and jam!


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