"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Carnaval de Fernando!

Fernando is going to the Carnaval de Quebec next month with his friends. I'm staying home to catsit our cats and Shooter the Dog. I don't mind, cause it's not really my thing to stand around outside during the coldest month of the year. As a child I always got tired of sledding before other kids, cause my little toes and fingers were in so much pain.

The carnival's been going since 1894--it grew out of post-Lent frolicking. 

This is the Master of the Carnaval, the Bonhomme du Carnaval (carnival snowman.) I told Fernando I want a picture of him!

As you can see he's dressed in traditional Québécois garb. 

He also had the honor of making the 10 Creepiest Mascots list, because of his resemblance to the monstrous Stay Puft marshmallow man.

But despite creepiness, our popular news magazine came under fire when they used Bonhomme for the cover story about corruption in Quebec. Poor Bonhomme. 

Besides the sporting events, the carnival features an ice/snow castle...

fantastic sculptures...

 and a snow bath. Which I think Shooter-the-dog's dad is trying to convince everyone to do.

(My mother and I always wanted to do Vancouver's annual New Year's polar bear dip, but there's no way we're arriving anywhere at 2:30 PM New Year's Day. We can barely get up by the "crack of noon" as my grandfather's cousin used to say.)

I'm going to ask for a souvenir. Maybe a "ceinture flechée" (arrowhead sash)...

 or anything with Bonhomme on it. He may be creepy but... he's the man, what can I say. Though I was born in Alberta, partly raised in Manitoba, I've lived in Quebec for 26 years. And my family name is very French Canadian, so it's in the blood there somewhere. My québécoise-a-tude.



Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

If you aren't from Canada I have to say - he is creepy. Still - the heart wants what the heart wants. Hope you get the snow globe.

nancy said...

Oh, I don't know that he's creepy; he looks quite jolly in that first photo. All the ice sculptures look beautiful, and witty as well.
This festival is something I'd love to see ... in theory. I'm not really so good in cold and icy conditions, so I'd have to watch from somewhere indoors. While holding a warm beverage. And I guess that's a bit at odds with the spirit of the thing.

It does look lovely though, and I thank you for the pictures. As we're not getting our usual winter here this year, I get a vicarious winter wonderland via Mabeltalk. Also want to thank you for your header quotes lately, which have been quite funny. And Chloe loved both yesterday's music videos and sang along to the first one. Or she said a lot throughout the entire video. I think she was singing.

gmc said...

As I recall, Cariboo (the drink) has a lot to do with Carnaval "sprit" too! ha ha... I hope the weather cooperates because Quebec City on a cold windy day is about as cold as it gets! BRRRRR..

Have fun, Fernandoooo!

widdershins said...

Hope he has a great time and takes lots of pics, which, of course, you will show us.

London Mabel said...

JJJ - lol and lol and lol

Nancy - Chloe should write a book. Maybe she's trying to, and thinks you're not very good at taking dictation.

gmc - I don't think February is capable of cooperating. (Have you seen that ad for Old Man Winter, with a grumpy old man going around shoveling snow into people and pulling off their coverlets?)

widdershins - Oh yes, there had better be pics, I have a public to amuse!


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