Over the years I've come up with a few Star Wars Essays. They're usually told verbally, though. I don't know I've ever blogged any of them. They are:
* Luke's real weakness, Lando's strength; and
* It had to be Ewoks
There might be another, I can't remember at the moment.
Anyway, here's some SW stuff I posted awhile back on my old blog. To keep the Warsians going in the meantime...

You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...Any time you pick up a walkie-talkie or two-way radio, the first thing you say is "TK-421, why aren't you at your post?"
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...Whenever you went anywhere outside with your friends, you always walked single file, to hide your numbers.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...On Halloween, you would never dress as: Luke, Han Solo, Leia, Vader, Chewie, Threepio, Artoo. However, you would dress as: Wedge, Porkins [I have a Porkins action figure. And there's a long story of how I acquired him.]
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...You have held up an onion ring and said, "Look sir...droids!"
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...You answer the phone "Die wanna wanga?"
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...You want appliances that speaks Bacchi.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...Whenever you catch sight of cars behind yours, you say "Fighters, coming in, point three five."
Someone else in your car says "What about that tower?"
[And don't forget my brother's fave: "I can't see him! I can't see him!"]
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... Your significant other dumps you because everytime she/he says, "I love you" you always respond, "I know."
[Apparently Maewitch and her sig other say this and they're not SW fans!]
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... You quote Yoda to defend your political beliefs.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...With a blue-tinted plastic tube, a flashlight, two hours of a Saturday night, and 4 rolls of blue electrical tape, you finally complete your own working "Light-saber"
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...Someone asks you how fast your car is, and you reply, "Fast enough for you, old man!"
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...Someone says they will try to do something you automatically respond "Do or do not. There is no try."
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... You have a bad feeling about everything.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... You believe John Williams is the best composer ever (which, of course, he is!)
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... While listening to the soundtrack without knowing the name of the song you are listening to, you know exactly what's happening while it's playing.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...You now want to become an astronaut to see if there really is a Lando system.
[Except you wouldn't. Because you would know that Lando is a man, not a system.]
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... Yoda's little sayings have had a profound impact on your life, and you abide by them religiously.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... You've created lyrics to the songs in Star Wars.
[Or you just sing the Bill Murray version.]
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... When your alarm clock goes off in the morning, your reply is, "Unexpected this is... and unfortunate!"
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... When riding your bike, you look behind you and accelerate wildly by pressing down on the petal with your right toe.
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When...You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends who are addicted to Star Wars.
AND my own additions:
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... you can imitate the sound of OB1 powering down the tractor beam. (Some guys in the store tested me on this one once.)
You Know You're Addicted to Star Wars When... everytime you finish the dishes (or any other chore) you call out "The dishes are away!" "Hooray!" (You also know you're Married to the Right Man when he joins in on the Hooray.) [We now do this for just about anything. "The [fill in the blank] is away! Hooray!"]
Whoa! You have a 'new employer'? Did you just sneak that in, or do we already know that? I've not been well, so perhaps I missed an earlier entry.
Congrats on and success with that. Will it mean you'll have to change your hours? Okay, Life is Change. The cats will adjust. And they'll tell you about it.
*happy sigh* what a great post. You hit all our favorite SW lines and some more that we will have to adopt. thank you, mabel!
Coincidentally, just now working through the series again... Got through epi. III which I consider to be the weakest of the six movies - which is unfortunate because it is probably the most significant of the six in terms of the Important Things that go on.... but technically, it just misses on so many cylinders ...
However, now that the setup is done, we can move on to the three most entertaining episodes - made back in the days when the series was more about high campy entertainment than about the "religion" of SW.
Da Da, Dadadadaaadaaa, dadadadaaaa (SW theme music) fade out....
@nancy - You didn't miss anything. I haven't talked about it at all, cause it's just a part-time trial thing, may not work out. I didn't want to get too hyped about it til I see what happens! Some of the work might be at home, with the kitties will appreciate. :-) But ya, I've been concerned about if I eventually got a full time job out of the house (I'd prefer part time) because while Haley would recognize that routine, Minion's not so familiar with it. She saw me work FT for 5 months, but now for 8 months I've been a home mommy!
@Barb - So glad to find a fellow SW lover, esp a female one. Happy sigh back at ya. :-D
@dad - Ya I like III because there's a lot of interesting stuff, and it still manages to be poignant. It's so sad when he kills the padawans, and to watch Padme falling apart. But those three movies aren't good films as films.
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