"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Indignity of the Fractured Rib

I'm sitting here in all sad-sackitudinosity. 
In December I was exiting the bath when I slipped and hit my ribs against the tub side. It didn't hurt by the next day, though, so I assumed there was no damage.

Then a week or two ago I was lying on my side in bed, and my jammy top was stuck under my hip and gagging me, so I was trying to yank it up with my left hand, it slipped and I punched my right ribs. In the same spot.

For awhile I couldn't turn in bed without sitting up first. And it would hurt when I'd reach my arm back, like to open a car door. I assumed it was a strained muscle... somewhat illogically considering how I hurt myself. (Just thought a fractured rib would be more dramatic in pain!) It was healing, cause as of 2 nights ago I could turn in bed, albeit carefully.

But then I must have wrenched my rib in my sleep, cause it hurt more when I woke up. And then...

Now if you have Victorian Toilet Discussion Manners you shouldn't read this next part.

Then I was performing the necessary ablutions upon my bottom, when OWWWW!!! (I was reaching back with my right hand.)

I re-re-injured the bone I guess. Now I can't even use my dominant hand to clean myself. Have you ever had to clean your botty with only one hand, the non-dominant one?

O the humanity! 

Ms. Brownlow thinks I've fractured my rib. So now I'm sitting as still as possible on the sofa, with the occasional frozen peas. I'll leave you with some December picatudes.

UPDATE: I've learned that if I take a deep breath and hold it, it keeps my rib stable, and then I can clean myself in the non child-learning-to-go-to-toilet manner. Hower... taking a deep breath when you've just pooped isn't something I would recommend.

This was the Salon des métiers d'art in December, where I worked.

And the view of Créations Li's kiosk, from my seat by the pillar.

And the booth which CL designed and painted, and was
built by another friend of ours'.

Whatever I would use as a pencil holder, people would notice.
I theorized it was either the cute cityscape in back
or people love pencil holders.

Some octoz!

 The plants really sold things. People have trouble envisioning
what they could use the pieces for. They'd pick up a bowl and ask 
"What's this for?"

The robomours! (Robot + amour.)

And the Montreal line.

First snowfall, only a couple days before Christmas. Which for Montreal is LATE. We usually get snow early November, if not Halloween.

It was still warm so I was wearing my suparubba booties.

Mah block

 Mah trees

Mah street

 Mah building

Mah mall with mah Santa.



Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

like yah pics

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

forgot to put this in mah comment - sorry about yah rib - take cauh

London Mabel said...

JJJ - Thank ya. ;-)

widdershins said...

And one can only hold one's breath for so long, then one has to breathe out ... feelin' yo pain!

nancy said...

Sorry, I laughed out loud upon reading your update. See, I did this very deep breath -- because I'm an extremely empathetic soul -- and then realized why I wouldn't want to do that, were I you and just having pooped and all. And I laughed out loud and woke the cats.

Loved the photos, the salon, your friend's pottery, the snow ... wonder if we'll get snow this year or if that's a thing of the past.

Sorry about laughing at your situation. I realize it's difficult and painful. Perhaps if you kept the bathroom door and window open? So you'd have air circulation and fresh air to breath? Or does it shock you that I'd suggest such a thing? Oh, dear, I'm sounding both mean and crude in this comment. Better go hide.

nancy said...

I'm back, trying to make amends: I was told, by a rather good doctor, that what works best to heal injuries -- in the days following the time when the injury first happened, when ice is prescribed --is to alternate a cold pack with a hot pack, back and forth, about 20 minutes or so each, for as long at a time as you can maintain interest in doing so. And go back and do it again later,as much as you can. That encourages blood flow most, and that's what you're trying to do, to flush out bad things and bring in good. They know most people won't follow through, so they just say to do the ice, but if you can alternate and keep repeating, that's best.

And each one will likely help with the discomfort as well.

CiCi said...

Oh dear - such a terrible predicament. Totally get the bathroom non-dominant hand thing as I had the same problem when I had a temp IV line in the back of my right hand after one of Quincy's infected bites. Ouchee!

Also wish Poppa was around. He would've totally understood the cracked rib pain thingee. Don't know if you remember the story he used to tell of my mom changing my diaper in the middle of the night and just dropping it on the floor in her tiredness. He took the next call from me, staggered into the hall, stepped on the soggy diaper and went sli-i-i-ding down the hallway until he was stopped by an immovable wooden playpen upon which he fell ass over tea kettle and hit the side cracking two ribs. rotflmao!

I remember that he had to tape up his ribs to keep them in place. Do they still do that?

CiCi said...

I meant to mention also that I'm totally in love with CL's stuff. I'd seen most of it before but the Montreal plates, etc. are fabulous!

London Mabel said...

widder - Thanks darlin'.

nancy - As I've always said, and still maintain: My friends and family are all welcome to laugh at me! :-D

CiCi - I remember the Poppa story, but not the rib part! Dad apparently cracked his too, and Nancy (Ms Brownlow) has too. So I feel I'm in good company. But the pain's not too bad and only in certain positions.

They don't bind up the chest anymore because the biggest fear is developing pneumonia because one isn't breathing deeply enough--constricting the ribs was found to make this even worse. Fernando's nurse friend said to take several deep breaths and coughs every few hours, and make sure to keep moving around, breathing deeply.

--> If you're ever chez Pablo, I sent him two exclusive CL Halloween mugs for his new place.


Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love
Les années douces : Volume 1
Back on the Rez
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey
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