"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, January 27, 2012

Well, stuffy me pink!

My brother pointed these out to me. They're all designed by Native artists. I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I have a huge stuffed animal collection and I try to no longer add to it, but OH MY DAYS.

Here's a few, but go see them all!  (The whole site has lovely stuff.)

My brother's favorite. He's jolly!
Bizzy the Beaver - Designed by Chris Kewistep, Bella Bella 
 Clapper the Thunderbird - Designed by Doug LaFortune, Coast Salish 
Cleo the Crab - Designed by Corey Bulpitt, Haida 

Luna the Whale - Designed by Corey Bulpitt, Haida 

Smokey the Wolf - Designed by Beau Dick, Kwakwaka'wakw  

Namu the Orca - Designed by Paul White, Haida 

Puppets too!
Hunter the Bear - Designed by Corey Bulpitt, Haida 

In other news - some new music:

K'naan has a new EP out and released this single.

If you heard this on the radio, would you guess it's Miley Cyrus? From a new album of Bob Dylan covers. 



Delia said...

Those are gorgeous! My daughter would love them. I think your collection may need an update. ;)

Judie said...

Those are awesome.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

Those stuffed animals are great.

I might have known it was Miley but then I'm a Miley fan. The first time I heard her voice years ago I was stunned.

Someone asked her if she was touring here anytime soon and she said no, cause she wasn't "feeling the love in America these days."

I swear people and their judgments and envy of successful people truly suck.

widdershins said...

I want Goldie the Owl and the Trickster Raven!

That kid can sing.

London Mabel said...

@Delia - InDEED.

@Judie - INdeed

@JJJ - I have some Miley songs but they're quite polished. I like the way they produced this one which seems to let her voice shine through more. Incidentally this song is the most downloaded from the Dylan album, so there's still love. ;-)

@widder - Well now you know what to ask from Mrs Widdershins at the next holiday. ;-)

Jennifer (CanadianNativeProducts.com) said...

Hello London Mabel,

Thank you for liking the stuffed animals on my site (and for the link!).

Let me know what other things you like and I can try to find a good source for them.

Also, stay tuned for more authentic products from Canada's First Nation commuities. I hope to build a site of hand-crafted products from the communities.



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