Crochet/Sewing: Made new eye for owl pillow, hand stitched eyes to owly while sitting in beautiful spring sun. The weather's been GORGEOUS.
One of the inspirations for my owly.
TV: Continue to make our way through sitcoms. Right now watching Community.
House Selling: Done! My parents accepted an offer, conditional inspection. But we have to be out in a month! Eep! We've been saying lots of nice things to the house, letting it know we love it, and filling it with happy vibes for its next occupants. --> Ultimately this means I should be able to be cat-habitable sometime this summer. :-)
Buying: Been good about not shopping, except for a new ape for my car... but coworker Madame Miroir bought it for me. Meanwhile Mantis the praying bunny has really been coming through for us! All that 24/7 praying. Even while Morg the cat and I watch TV together, Mantis lays down on her back, her eyes peacefully shut, praying and meditating, and filling up on cuddle energy.
Work: Someone gave notice, so a full-time post is within reach again (the last one I lost to another employee.) And I'm at the 6 month date where I can get my boots reimbursed... more $ to pay down my Prince ticket. Sadly benefits don't kick in until 3 more months. :'-(
Friends: Haven't seen Harvey in ages! But went out with Mme Miroir a couple times, and the part-timer's been around more and she's lots of fun. Spoke to Gilby on the phone.
Food: I've been reintroducing my veganism, but not completely. And seem to have got my dad hooked on Daiya cheese and Tofutti cream cheese.
____LOVE SONGS CATCH UP: Friday, Saturday, Sunday____
Loooove this spare cover of "You Really Got a Hold On You" by Cyndi Lauper. Great album.
I don't want you
But I need you
Remember the song "Joey"?
And if I seem to be confused,
I didn't mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
Well, I guess you scared me too.
I like a lot of Walk Off the Earth's covers, and I like their new original single "Red"... but they look like a cult.