"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Saturday, March 9, 2013

I make the same mistakes


If you aren't watching Girls, it's like a hipster version of Sex and the City. ...I don't think it's sexist to make the comparison. It's about the trials and tribulations / love lives / sex lives of four young women in New York, and the protagonist is a writer. We've just changed designer duds for thrift shop finds.

The male characters amuse me greatly, especially this guy:

This very tall, very weird, very honest, freaky sort of fellow that our heroine dates for awhile. He calls her "kid," which I love (must work into next novel!) He rarely makes eye contact. He's really intense and kind of sensible. I like him more than her, so I'm glad we're still following him post-break-up.

Whoever finds the music for this show is brill--I always let the credits play cause I'm enjoying the choice of the week. Here's one of my faves. Luckily there's one line in it that allows me to classify it as a love song.... But, really, it's much more broadly applicable. I'm always getting into situations where I feel this way afterwards. I make the same mistakes, I make the same mistakes, f*ck f*ck f*ck...

Walking the streets alone
Thinking of you till dawn
I make the same mistakes
I make the same mistakes


lora96 said...

Now i really want to watch this show and i'll listen to the song when i'm not the only person in the house awake. I am guessing the show's online someplace where I can watch it bc we do not have satellite tv

Skye said...

Awesome song! Not really interested in watching a hipster version of Sex in the City (I didn't watch Sex in the City, either), but the music might be worth it. :)

Robena Grant said...

Great music. I'm not familiar with the show because I don't have much TV watching time these days. But, I'll look for it. Love quirky guys and he sounds interesting.

nancy said...

How are you watching Girls? Isn't it on HBO? I didn't even think you had cable, much less a PREMIUM channel, so please do tell so that others of us can do this same amazing thing and watch/listen for the closing credits too.

London Mabel said...

I confess to watching it here:


But don't blame me when the internet cops come banging on your door for using this site!


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