"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Catch Ups

[Warning to Urthalun: Stuffed animal cat pics.]

Crochet/Sewing: Made new eye for owl pillow, hand stitched eyes to owly while sitting in beautiful spring sun. The weather's been GORGEOUS.

One of the inspirations for my owly.

TV: Continue to make our way through sitcoms. Right now watching Community.

House Selling: Done! My parents accepted an offer, conditional inspection.  But we have to be out in a month! Eep! We've been saying lots of nice things to the house, letting it know we love it, and filling it with happy vibes for its next occupants. --> Ultimately this means I should be able to be cat-habitable sometime this summer. :-)

Buying: Been good about not shopping, except for a new ape for my car... but coworker Madame Miroir bought it for me. Meanwhile Mantis the praying bunny has really been coming through for us! All that 24/7 praying. Even while Morg the cat and I watch TV together, Mantis lays down on her back, her eyes peacefully shut, praying and meditating, and filling up on cuddle energy.


Work: Someone gave notice, so a full-time post is within reach again (the last one I lost to another employee.) And I'm at the 6 month date where I can get my boots reimbursed... more $ to pay down my Prince ticket. Sadly benefits don't kick in until 3 more months. :'-(

Friends: Haven't seen Harvey in ages! But went out with Mme Miroir a couple times, and the part-timer's been around more and she's lots of fun. Spoke to Gilby on the phone.

Food: I've been reintroducing my veganism, but not completely. And seem to have got my dad hooked on Daiya cheese and Tofutti cream cheese.

____LOVE SONGS CATCH UP: Friday, Saturday, Sunday____

Loooove this spare cover of "You Really Got a Hold On You" by Cyndi Lauper. Great album.
I don't want you
But I need you

Remember the song "Joey"?
And if I seem to be confused,
I didn't mean to be with you.
And when you said I scared you,
Well, I guess you scared me too.

I like a lot of Walk Off the Earth's covers, and I like their new original single "Red"... but they look like a cult.



widdershins said...

What a lot of spring changes!

Anonymous said...

I very much appreciate the warning!

Congratulations on the house sale, that entire situation can be very stressful.

Have you seen Cyndi's character on Bones? Fab!

(who is grateful for a heads-up notice re: non-dogs)

London Mabel said...

@widders - Yes. It's all a bit: Meep!

@Julie - Well I appreciate your visiting :-) I've only seen the first episode of Bones, but it's on Netflix so I keep meaning to get back to it.


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