"Our life evokes our character. You find out more about yourself as you go on. That's why it's good to be able to put yourself in situations that will evoke your higher nature rather than your lower. 'Lead us not into temptation.'" Joseph Campbell

Friday, March 1, 2013

Let's be real

My dad watches a lot of non-Hollywood type romantic comedies (usually from Netflix), and sends these one line reviews by email. I always feel like they deserve a larger audience.

Pensive, thoughtful, complex human story. Beautifully crafted... Four thumbs up. :-)

I remember Lani Diane Rich and Jennifer Crusie complaining once in Popcorn Dialogues that they don't make good B-level rom coms anymore. They're clearly not in touch with my dad.


In honor of the new season of Psych beginning: "If You Could Read My Mind" by Gordon Lightfoot. The first time I heard it (other than the disco version) I was reading Connie Willis' Doomsday Book, and I was at the saddest part. Oh my days how I balled.

A movie queen to play the scene
Of bringing all the good things out in me
But for now, love
Let's be real


Skye said...

Oh Bummer, looks like your spam filter isn't filtering so well! Mine isn't working as well as usual either and this crap is getting thru.

I love "if you could read my mind". One of my fave songs. I love netflix but have not been wandering too far afield. Hell, it's netflix streaming; I can stand to start a movie and quit it if I don't like it! I should try out some of their Romantic Comedies, especially the non-mainstream ones.

Judie said...

I will have to check this out. DH owes me a good romance after all the action flicks and I have Netflix. Thanks for the recomend.

Judy,Judy,Judy. said...

I love Gordon Lightfoot.
I'm going to see if Netflix has that movie. I usually really like movies like that. Of course, my queue is so full and I never watch movies... The woman in the movie is so fresh and beautiful looking in an un-Hollywood way.

widdershins said...

IS there any way Blogger can block Anon's IP address?

I'm not big on Rom-Coms, but I've often thought Gordon's song is about the saddest song I've ever heard

London Mabel said...

@Skye - Yeah I might have to move to "approving comments." I assume it's like the arms race, where one side gets better algorithms, and then Blogger has to catch up, etc.

Re Netflix--yeah i think my dad has a 20 minute rule or something. It's great to just start something, no risk.

@Judie - Here it's my stepmother who likes disaster movies, and my dad the romcoms, lol.

@JJJ - I haven't been watching movies a lot either. More TV shows.

@widders - Yes! So sad! :'-(


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